People related to Ang or not _ people related to Ang or not _ meaning of red couplets
Complete set of idioms Red couplet
Red couplet Complete set of idioms
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The meaning of "whether or not people are involved"

People involved

rén shè shān fǒu

Whether people are involved in the fine edition

  • Others wade across the river, but I don't do it alone. The poem, The Wind and the Bitter Leaves of Pao: "When you recruit a boat, you should be concerned about whether you are upright or not. When you are concerned about whether you are upright or not, you should be my friend." Mao Chuan: "I am also upright." Zheng Xuanjian: "Everyone is involved, but my friend has not arrived. I treat it alone. In terms of the family's way, you must be a proper virgin, or you must be courteous, righteous, or blind to marriage." Later, it is used as a metaphor for asserting yourself and not agreeing with others casually.

Basic explanation of whether people are involved

Others wade across the river, but I don't do it alone. The poem, The Wind and the Bitter Leaves of Pao: "When you recruit a boat, you should be concerned about whether you are upright or not. When you are concerned about whether you are upright or not, you should be my friend." Mao Chuan: "I am also upright." Zheng Xuanjian: "Everyone is involved, but my friend has not arrived. I treat it alone. In terms of the family's way, you must be a proper virgin, or you must be courteous, righteous, or blind to marriage." Later, it is used as a metaphor for asserting yourself and not agreeing with others casually.


  • people :

    ◎ People r é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription, like a human standing on the side. "Human" is one of the radicals of Chinese characters. Original meaning: an advanced animal that can make tools to transform nature and use language) (2) Same as human being; person; man; w

  • Involved :

    ◎ sh è Moving (1) (Comprehension. From the water step. Oracle bone inscription. Water in the middle, two feet on both sides, like wading. Original meaning: wading across the river) (2) Same as original meaning [wade; ford] Wade, hiking pole water also—— Shuowen Feng He walked on foot—— Erya

  • Ang :

    ◎ Ang á ng Dai I [I] If you want to recruit a boat, you need to know whether you are good or not—— "Poem · Wind · Pao with Bitter Leaves" áng ㄤˊ 1. "Ang" in ancient times, lift up; Raising; High; High spirited, high spirited and powerful. 2. A pronoun, which means the first person, I: "To recruit a boat, a person is concerned with being upright..."

  • no :

    ◎ No p ǐ Moving (1) Blocking; Blocking No, every other—— Guangya It's hard to know—— Poetry, Xiaoya, Who If it is not, it is said that it cannot be consolidated—— "Rectifying the Fallacy and the Normal" If not, it will be closed and disorderly—— The Book of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xiangzhuan (2)...

Source of idiom: The poem, The Wind and the Bitter Leaves of Pao: "When you recruit a boat, you are concerned about whether you are upright or not. When you are concerned about whether you are upright or not, you must be my friend." Mao Chuan: "You are upright, I am also." Zheng Xuanjian: "Everyone is involved, but my friend has not arrived. I treat it alone and do not deal with it. To speak of the way of a family, you must have the right virginity, and you must have the right etiquette, righteousness, stupidity, and marriage."

Idiom Traditional:

Abbreviation of idioms: RSSF

Idiomatic phonetic notation: ㄖㄣˊ ㄕㄜˋ ㄤˊ ㄈㄡˇ

Common degree: Obscure idiom

Number of Idioms: Four character idiom

Emotional color: Neutral idiom

Idiom usage: As object and attribute; Used in written language.

Idiom structure: Syntagmatic idiom

Idiom time: Ancient idiom

words whose meaning is similar:

Examples of idioms: Although there is a rhinoceros boat and a powerful boat, people still care about whether there is a need. ★ The Book of the Later Han Dynasty - Biography of Zhang Heng

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