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The following elements are indispensable for the production of Chinese style websites

Author: Super administrator clicks: 1067 times 2022-12-11 21:08:09

We all know that the Chinese style is grand and elegant, and many people love it. In recent years, many Chinese style design elements have been used in the design of enterprise website construction. Now let's take a look at the two elements of the design style of Chinese style website construction!


1、 Primitive

Parallel line: parallel line depiction is one of the common elements of Chinese design style, and the line separation line of vertical text is a unique decorative way.

Square and round: Our ancestors first said "the sky is round and the place is round", so the proper integration of square and round has also been used in many design style web page production in China. The square middle gauge plate is in line with the national people's stable and upright temperament. The ring is smooth and clean, highlighting the beauty of femininity.

Pattern: Ancient people used many patterns in various places, such as porcelain, blue printed cloth, embroidery patterns, window decorations, paper-cut paintings, batik, hand carving, hand knitting, etc. The ancient Chinese literary decorations have cloud patterns, dragon jade, Lian Ji, Hui Wen, Ruyi Wen, etc., which are all very good interface atmosphere to set off the elements.

Elements of similarity: such elements include ink strokes, ancient buildings, green mountains and rivers, potted flowers, secret medicines, seals, calligraphy art, soft pens, ancient windows, small lanterns, bronze ware, bamboo slips, and practical effects of making old things, all of which can be used if you want.

2、 Composition.

It is important for web page making to ensure proper and effective composition and reasonable layout of content. The use of thousands of years of civilized behavior elements in website production must include our Chinese people's distinctive composition aesthetic. Symmetrical beauty is the key element of Chinese traditional art aesthetics. Symmetrical beauty is mainly reflected in various fields of traditional Chinese design schemes, such as the layout of big cities, imperial tombs, palace engineering buildings, Tai Chi diagrams, ancient coins, treasured knives, and Spring Festival couplets. There are many forms of symmetry in traditional design schemes, such as up and down symmetry, left and right symmetry, axial symmetry, etc. Because of its uniqueness, web pages generally use up and down symmetry. Symmetrical web page production may make all web pages look balanced, harmonious, dignified, and very elegant. You can also apply a vertical arrangement. In ancient China, the text is formed from the top to the bottom, with automatic line wrapping from right to left. This has been widely introduced into the production of web pages, showing a strong atmosphere of Chinese traditional culture. The art of leaving blank is also critical. The art of leaving blank can make "a corner also show the breadth of heaven and earth". In web page production, appropriate application of white space art can make web page composition more harmonious and prevent oppression. The relatively loose and casual reasonable layout will also make our design style more free and easy, fashionable and refreshing.