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The most common color scheme for website color matching

Author: Super administrator clicks: 906 2022-12-01 09:40:44

Those engaged in website design and construction should know that the quality of a website production should be considered from many aspects, one is user experience, and the other is web art. The web page artists pay particular attention to the color matching of the website, which needs to be considered again and again when determining the color matching scheme of the web page.


So how to match the website colors? A successful color design can fully reflect the theme of the website and express the information of the website, as well as the connotation of the website. Of course, feeling is the soul of the designer, but only feeling can not get good results, so there must be a scientific and reasonable theoretical system, so that there can be a basic standard. Below we list 10 color schemes.


Scheme 1: Simple and fashionable


Now minimalist design has been widely used in web design, which is fully justified. Lightweight layout and low maintenance cost make it flexible for responsive design. Natural elegance has aesthetic feeling, which is favored and adopted by many brands and institutions. However, appreciating this design style is different from creating it.


It seems that there are few elements of this minimalism, and it seems very simple to copy a certain style. But in fact, on the contrary, because designers can use very few elements, designers usually need to spend more thought and energy to create. To further attract users, alternate zigzag layout patterns can help reading.

Scheme II: Clean and progressive


If there are not many decorative elements in the website, the content will become the main theme, so that visitors can browse easily. A survey shows that 79% of the respondents are only browsing a new page, and only 16% will read a page word for word. Put the content of the website in the front middle position, so that visitors can quickly see what the content is.

Scheme 3: Calm and natural


Green is the protagonist of calm and natural impression. However, as the main color of the page, green is easy to fall into too negative feeling transmission, so pay special attention to the design of patterns.


Plan IV: Noble and stable


Noble people usually use the yellow green color with low brightness. The color brightness is lowered, and the balance of colors is emphasized to make the picture appear stable.

Scheme V: Traditional and stable


Traditional content generally needs to reduce color saturation, especially brown. Purple is also a common color for elegant and elegant impression.


Scheme VI: light, gorgeous and dynamic


Dynamic impression space can not be separated from low brightness colors, and even can be matched with appropriate black. Other colors have high saturation and strong contrast.


Scheme 7: Elegant and fashionable


Gray is the most balanced color and one of the main colors of plastic metal texture. Therefore, it can be used properly or even in a large area to show elegance and fashion. But pay attention to the structure of patterns and textures.

Scheme 8: Gorgeous, gaudy and feminine


Purple and magenta are the main characters in feminine pages, while pink and green are also commonly used colors. Usually, they should be matched with high saturation.


Scheme 9: Loyal, stable and tasteful


The color with low brightness and saturation will give people a feeling of loyalty and stability. In order to avoid conservative colors and rigid and negative pages, the combination of cold and warm and light and shade should be emphasized.


Scheme 10: sporty and light


The color of sports should strengthen the intense and exciting feeling, and also reflect health, happiness and sunshine. Therefore, colors with high saturation and low brightness often appear in this kind of impression.