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How much does Dongying charge for a website

Author: Super administrator hits: 1656 times 2023-03-27 10:23:23

When Lin Sen's business went to customers in Dongying market, he found that many small and medium-sized enterprises in Dongying were more concerned about making websites and wanted to know Dongying website How much does it cost? How long does it take to build a website? What materials need to be prepared?


Before answering the question of "how much does it cost to build a website", Lin Sen needs to first understand the general needs of customers, because the price of a website is determined according to the functions realized by the website and the requirements of the website design. The price is different with different workloads. For ordinary corporate websites, it depends on whether to choose a PC website or a responsive website, and the price varies from thousands to tens of thousands of yuan. Generally, before giving a quotation, Dongying Network Company needs to determine the customer's needs, the specific purpose of the website, and the functions of the website. Then we can give a rough quotation. The quotation consists of domain name, server, UI design, front-end development, back-end production, etc. Therefore, when considering Dongying's website, customers must determine the relevant functions to avoid duplication and waste.

According to different industries, the functions of the company's website are different, and the specific price must refer to the function template we need to make. Companies in the same industry may need to develop similar functional modules, but their design requirements vary greatly, so sometimes their prices vary greatly. For example, their products and brand positioning are different. Some show the company's corporate image strength, some show the company's products, and others show the company's strong service team. Therefore, the design requirements of the website are different. In addition, some customers need database systems, which requires secondary development. Many customers are unfamiliar with the website. Some people say that we need a general and ordinary website. Others say that we need a website with design requirements and atmosphere that can reflect our company's brand.


The template price of Dongying website is generally 3000 yuan, and if it is customized, it will cost more than 10000 yuan. After all, the talent and experience of designers are valuable. It takes 25 working days to build a website. The materials that the customer needs to provide are the enterprise logo, contact information, business license of the enterprise, relevant information of the legal person, etc., which are used for website filing. Due to the particularity of the website, customers are generally advised to choose a website construction company with a certain staff size and a large number of successful cases. Some small teams set up their own websites for several hundred yuan. Many functions cannot be realized by using self-service website building, which requires secondary development. In addition, due to the instability of the small team, the late maintenance of the website may encounter a situation where no one is responsible.

Dongying enterprise website production:

1. Domain name application for enterprises:. com (international domain name) and. cn (domestic domain name) are preferred, and it is better to include the enterprise name to facilitate brand promotion.

2. Buying space: We buy space that meets the requirements of customers' websites from IDC vendors. Generally speaking, it is enough to recommend enterprises to use virtual hosts because the price is cheap. But if enterprise customers need to have transaction functions on the website or need to install other software, they can use VPS hosts. If you need SEO promotion and SEM bidding, it is recommended to rent a server or a hosting server to prevent the cost of invalid SEM caused by slow website opening. Space price: rental server>managed server>VPS host>virtual host; space performance: rental server=managed server>VPS host>virtual host. When choosing an IDC provider, you should pay attention to after-sales service. The stability should be good and the access speed should be fast.

3. Then we will build a website