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What problems should be solved in advance when developing mobile phone software

Author: admin Number of hits: 1212 2021-01-22 09:36:42

When developing mobile APP or mobile application, you should understand one thing, Dongying Mobile Phone Software Development Although there are some similarities with traditional Web/desktop development in terms of process or architecture, there are still some points that need attention.
1. Multi task processing
Multitasking on mobile devices (multiple applications running at one time) presents two major challenges. First of all, it is difficult to display multiple applications at the same time due to mobile phones or other mobile screens. Therefore, on mobile devices, only one application can be in the foreground at a time. Second, opening multiple applications and performing tasks can quickly drain the battery. This is a problem that every mobile software developer needs to focus on.
2. Components
As anyone who has been engaged in mobile software development knows, mobile devices today are usually divided into two categories: mobile phones and tablets. The software development of these two types of devices is usually quite similar. However, designing applications for them may be very different. Although mobile phones are large screens now, the screen space is relatively limited, while the screen of tablet computers is larger, but the screen space is still much smaller than that of computers. Therefore, the design of UI controls for mobile platforms is particularly important.
3. Device and operating system fragments
Different device differences should be considered in the entire mobile phone software development life cycle:
Conceptualization and planning - Remember that the functionality of the software will vary from device to device, and the functionality of the application may not work properly on some devices.
Design - When designing the user experience (UX) of the application, mobile software developers should pay attention to the screen scale and size of different devices. In addition, different screen resolutions should be considered when designing the user interface (UI) of the application.
Development - Mobile software developers should always test the existence of the function when using the function in the code. For example, before using a device function (such as a camera), first query whether the operating system has the function. Then, when initializing the function/device, make sure to request the current support of the device from the current operating system, and then use these configuration settings.
Testing - It is important to test applications early and often on real devices. Even devices with the same hardware specifications may sometimes have some differences.
4. Limited resources
Mobile devices are becoming more and more powerful, but their capabilities are still limited compared to desktop or laptop computers. For example, when developing PC software, you usually do not need to worry about the memory capacity; Technicians are also accustomed to using a lot of physical and virtual memory. Compared with mobile phones and tablets, developers should consider how to save memory consumption when designing.
We must consider these issues before developing mobile phone software.