Index number: 003173206/202405-00152 Assembly classification: Implementation of reform tasks
Issued by: County government (government office) Subject classification: Comprehensive government affairs
title: [Optimize the business environment] Linquan traffic police excellence initiatives serve the people and enterprises Document No.: nothing
Information source: Linquan Traffic Control Brigade (WeChat official account) Effectiveness: Valid
Written date: 2024-05-23 Date of issue: 2024-05-23
[Optimize the business environment] Linquan traffic police excellence initiatives serve the people and enterprises
Release time: 17:40, May 23, 2024 Views: 754 Font:[ large in Small ]

In order to further promote the measures of "decentralization, management and service" for the convenience of the people and enterprises, provide better services to the masses and meet the business needs of the enterprise masses in the jurisdiction. The vehicle management office of Linquan Traffic Management Brigade innovatively launched a series of measures to extend accurate services to the masses of enterprises.

1、 Set up a special window for enterprise service to help enterprises "One stop". Set up a "special window for enterprise service" in the car management hall, define the reception of full-time staff, carry out "one-stop" service for the business of car management for enterprises, "add" for enterprise services, "subtract" for enterprise burdens, optimize the business environment, and boost enterprise development. May“ Special window for enterprise service ”87 transactions were handled, which was highly praised by the enterprise.

2、 Carry out "delayed service" for people and enterprises and "no closing" on weekends. In order to deepen the reform of "decentralization, regulation and service", the 30 Measures for Anhui Public Security System Service Enterprises to Assist High Quality Economic Development were implemented with practical actions. From "getting off work on time" to "delaying work+not closing on weekends", the vehicle management office has effectively solved the problem of "no time for work". In May, the vehicle management office handled 495 business transactions through the "delayed service" at noon and the "no closing" system on holidays and weekends, effectively providing convenience for the masses.

3、 Call the inspection exemption vehicle qualification mark. In March 2023, Linquan Vehicle Management Office innovated and launched a special window telephone service for inspection free vehicles to apply for inspection marks. All enterprises and individuals in Linquan can complete the application for inspection mark of inspection free vehicles as long as they dial the special window telephone and provide the license plate number. In May, Linquan Vehicle Management Office handled the application for inspection exemption marks of more than 100 vehicles.

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