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To provide high-quality products and final solutions that meet and exceed users' expectations, our commitment to users starts from understanding users' needs, customizing on demand and operating efficiently.

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Forest frequency products are widely used in aerospace and military industry, scientific research institutions, quality inspection units, colleges and universities, automobile industry, machinery and electronics, electric power communication, energy and chemical industry and other industries.

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Professional environmental test equipment manufacturer and reliability environmental test solution comprehensive service provider.

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Employment concept: care, harmony, respect and promotion
Talent training: talent selection based on goals, not success

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How to solve the problems of high and low temperature alternating damp heat test chamber

Time: 2024-05-13 08:53 Source: Forest frequency instrument
The high and low temperature alternating damp heat test chamber is a composite type test chamber. The more functions, the more problems are likely to occur. For example, when the test is converted to high temperature test, the temperature change cannot reach the expected value. Generally, it can be checked through the air circulation system. For example, it takes a long time for the temperature to reach the target value, so check whether the baffle operates normally; If the temperature rises sharply, the controller has a problem, which should be solved in time, such as replacing the control instrument.
The equipment is easy to "deviate" in the following aspects: First, the temperature drops for a long time, which is generally because there is moisture in the studio. When doing tests in the high and low temperature alternating damp heat test chamber, it is necessary to ensure a dry environment. Whether the number of test samples has exceeded the requirements, resulting in the air in the studio can not be circulated; Second, when the temperature starts to drop to a certain value, it starts to rise, and the temperature gradually increases. This is generally because the external environment of the equipment does not meet the requirements, such as indoor temperature, humidity, etc.
Some problems will also be encountered in the test chamber during the damp heat test. For example, the common problem in this test is that the actual humidity will reach the upper limit or the actual humidity will be slightly different from the test requirements. During the damp heat test, a very important equipment - wet ball gauze will be used in the high and low temperature alternating damp heat test chamber. The wet ball gauze needs to be replaced in time, otherwise the water purity will be affected due to the long use time. Because of the material, the gauze will become hard after being used for a period of time, and the moisture can not be absorbed to maintain the dryness in the work box, which is why the actual humidity will reach 100%. In addition to these, the humidification system is also prone to problems. For example, the actual humidity is quite different from the target humidity. At this time, it is necessary to check whether there is enough water in the water supply tank in the humidification system, and whether there is any abnormality in the water level control. The above problems are small problems that can be solved through troubleshooting.

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Shanghai Linpin Instrument Co., Ltd
Hotline: 4000-662-888
Operator: 86-21-60899999
Address: 888 Zhangong Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai