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 Mountain and sea engulf evolution

Mountain and sea engulf evolution

Adventure RPG

Android download

eight branch

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Mountain and sea engulf evolution It is an adventure RPG game based on the classic classics of mountains and seas, allowing players to play a hunter who hunts exotic animals and conquers the world of mountains and seas in the game. At the beginning of the game, an egg hatches a foreign animal freely, and constantly devours and evolves into a powerful BOSS. It reproduces the classic stories of the classics of mountains and seas, and has American style scenes, so that players can enjoy the authentic experience of the classics of mountains and seas.

 Mountain and sea engulf evolution

Game features

1. 3D scenes and beautiful pictures make the whole game look very comfortable. The effect of all kinds of mythical animals is very realistic, like walking into the ancient world of mountains and seas.

2. Collect divine beasts, and players can capture them freely, providing more options and possibilities for players to take risks, so that players can have a better game experience.

3. The map selection is different for each map. There is no limit at all, providing more adventure space for players.

4. Devouring evolution, there are hundreds of divine beasts for players to choose from. The unique evolution mode allows players to choose according to different situations, increasing the playability of the game.

 Mountain and sea engulf evolution

Game highlights

1. It is easy to operate, allowing players to quickly start, and provides a variety of different play modes for players to choose, including competition, treasure, copy, etc. Make the game full of possibilities and challenges.

2. Integrating the elements of the ancient world, ingeniously integrating the traditional Chinese culture and modern game elements, each scene is unique, giving you a perfect game experience.

3. Play mode has many different play modes, including PVP play mode, PVE play mode, synthetic formation and other play modes, so that you can experience a variety of game styles.

Game evaluation

Mountain and Sea Swallowing Evolution is an adventure RPG game with the background of Mountain and Sea Classic and various elements. In the game, players need to incubate all kinds of foreign animals, constantly evolve into powerful BOSS, and eventually conquer the whole mountain and sea world. The picture of the game is very beautiful, so that players can feel immersive; Free capture of divine animals in the game, rich maps, hundreds of types and evolution modes of divine animals, diversified playing modes and other elements have brought infinite possibilities and challenges to players.

Screenshot of the game
 Mountain and sea engulf evolution
 Mountain and sea engulf evolution
 Mountain and sea engulf evolution
 Mountain and sea engulf evolution
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