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 Idle zombie shooting

Idle zombie shooting

Zombie gunfight shooting

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Edit recommendation

Idle zombie shooting This is a classic zombie themed gunfight shooting game. As a survivor, the player will kill as many zombies as possible in the scene. The game provides you with various weapons and firearms. Players can unlock the corresponding weapons according to their preferences to launch a fierce battle.

 Idle zombie shooting

Game features

1. When selecting a scene, there will be many different scenes that can choose challenges. The terrain environment of each scene is different and has its own challenges.

2. Weapons and equipment can be selected from various weapons. Players can choose according to their needs to improve combat effectiveness and defeat more enemies.

3. There are many kinds of zombies with different types and shapes. Each zombie has certain weaknesses and can attack against them.

4. Fun mode, which can participate in various modes, increases the fun of the game and brings more interesting game experience to players.

 Idle zombie shooting

Game highlights

1. Upgrade equipment. If you feel that your attack power is insufficient, don't worry. Save money to upgrade your weapons and equipment and improve your combat effectiveness.

2. Task challenge: different tasks need different guns to complete, and players need to switch the types of guns flexibly to complete tasks better.

3. To collect gold coins, you need enough gold coins to unlock new playing methods or obtain more powerful weapons. Players can obtain them by killing zombies to complete tasks.

Game evaluation

The game experience is refined and smooth. In the fierce battle with zombies, you can enjoy the exciting shooting experience. The operation sees movement, and the playing methods are diverse and interesting. It is suitable for all players to experience and feel the pleasure brought by shooting games.

Screenshot of the game
 Idle zombie shooting
 Idle zombie shooting
 Idle zombie shooting
 a gun battle
a gun battle

Gunfight is a type of game loved by many players. Players can freely use different guns and weapons, try to defeat opponents through precision shooting, and complete different battles. Gunfight games are often presented in the form of the first person, which can bring a full sense of substitution and give players a warm blooded experience in the battlefield. This time, we have sorted out the mobile game recommendations of gunfight theme for all players to see what mobile games of gunfight theme are.


There is always an inseparable relationship between doomsday and zombie themes. There are endless works against zombies in various doomsday backgrounds, and even in games, such themes can often be seen. The same is true for mobile games, which have a considerable number of doomsday zombie themed games, providing a stage for players to experience fighting zombies at any time. This time, we have provided the mobile game download of doomsday zombie theme for interested players. Let's have a look.

 Fight Zombies
Fight Zombies

Confronting zombies is the most common theme in many doomsday works. In the face of humanoid creatures in position, players need to fight in a horrible biochemical crisis atmosphere. The works against zombies contain survival elements, which are very challenging to test how players can survive in the world surrounded by zombies. This time, we have sorted out the recommendations for mobile games against zombies. Let's have a look.

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