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 I can walk

I can walk

Sports Health Assistant

Android download

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Edit recommendation

I can walk app It is a sports health assistant, which enables you to develop the habit of healthy walking, and understand the training effect by recording every exercise data. We also have a wealth of online training courses for you to learn, suitable for people of all levels. APP has no advertising interference, and you can sign in and clock in every day, so that you can easily enter a healthy life. With a series of training functions and challenge modes, you can face marathon training with passion. If you need it, please download it!

 I can walk

Software highlights

1. Marathon training: our marathon training can help you improve your running skills whether you are a novice or a veteran. Step by step to increase your endurance, so that you can be ready to participate in various marathons.

2. Training record and sign in: tracking training effect Use our training record and sign in function to clarify the current situation, and sign in records your efforts and persistence.

3. Clock challenge calendar: The clock challenge calendar can let you check your self persistence in a visual form and stimulate tenacity.

 I can walk

Software advantages

-Due to time and physical limitations, the way of exercise is basically to walk and run, without consuming too much energy and time.

-When you run or walk, you can clearly know your movement track, speed, calories consumed and other information.

-Real time acquisition of today's motion data can be obtained online, and the motion data recorded online is very accurate.

 I can walk

Software features

-Accurate step counting+movement record: it can accurately calculate your steps and distance, so that you can check and analyze.

-Scientific diet recommendation: according to your amount of exercise and information, select the right diet for you to help you effectively control weight and maintain health.

-Participate in interactive challenges: join the walking challenge, share sports achievements with everyone, and realize interaction and communication through the community platform.

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 I can walk
 I can walk
 I can walk
 I can walk

There are a lot of mobile sports software on the market, but not many are really suitable for the public taste. So among the many mobile sports apps, which one is better, here are some recommendations for you, hoping to help.

 Fitness software
Fitness software

Fitness software is a mobile application that provides fitness guidance and training plans for people. This application integrates various types of sports, such as yoga, aerobic exercise, strength training, etc. Users can choose suitable sports according to their own needs. In addition, the software also provides professional fitness trainer video tutorials and action guidance, so that users can carry out fitness training more scientifically.

 Sports Clock
Sports Clock

Exercise and fitness is a long-term process. In order to ensure that exercise can bring effective results, sticking to clocking every day has become the daily work of many users. A considerable number of sports clock in apps have also been launched on mobile phones, which can help users effectively monitor themselves, so that they can insist on sports exercise and get a healthy body. This time, I have sorted out the sports clock in app recommendations for users in need. Let's have a look.

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