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 Xiangshan Zhilian app

Xiangshan Zhilian app

Software for auxiliary movement

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Xiangshan Zhilian app It is a software designed to provide users with assistance in the process of sports, which brings more convenience to users, can help you provide a more intelligent way to manage your health, open a new lifestyle, feel the convenience brought by technology, and enjoy the beauty of life.

 Xiangshan Zhilian app

Software features

1. Binding device

Users can automatically bind their own devices through Bluetooth, which will be more intelligent during use.

2. Data transmission

The specific data of your own body and the transmission between multiple devices become more efficient and convenient.

3. Intelligent reminder

It will remind the user to enter the next task at a specific time, so that the user can have a healthier life.

4. Habit cultivation

Use intelligent ways to help you have a more healthy and green lifestyle and improve your physical quality.

Software highlights

1. Record saving: automatically save your motion records, and analyze your motion data in detail.

2. The function is clear at a glance, and you can easily master the use function of the software to meet the needs of users.

3. Detailed data will make it easier for you to grasp the direction of your body, so that you can feel the changes of your body more intuitively.

Software evaluation

The user experience is very good. It fully respects the user experience, brings more high-quality experience, provides more intuitive data analysis for the user's life, and makes the user use more clearly.

Software screenshot
 Xiangshan Zhilian app
 Xiangshan Zhilian app
 Xiangshan Zhilian app
 Xiangshan Zhilian app
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