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Our county organized to listen to and watch the city's first half year economic operation monitoring analysis and project construction promotion teleconference

Source: Lingshi County Government Website Release time: 16:50, June 26, 2024 Number of views: second [Font: Small large

On June 24, the city's economic operation monitoring and analysis and project construction promotion meeting in the first half of the year was held. Chen Fang, the county head, attended the meeting in the main venue, and Yang Genjun, Zhang Guohua, Li Weiping and Hou Wenbin, the county leaders, listened to the meeting in our county branch venue.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to anchor the "156" strategic initiatives of the municipal party committee in accordance with the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, strengthen confidence, strengthen measures, and work hard to promote steady and healthy economic development.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to set goals and tasks against those of advanced regions, based on resource endowments, industrial foundation and comparative advantages, enhance confidence in development, intensify efforts, create a strong atmosphere of comparison and learning to catch up, promote the efficient implementation of all work, strive to complete all tasks set in the first half of the year, and lay a solid foundation for achieving the goals and tasks of the whole year. We should spare no effort to speed up the project construction and make good use of the "four complete working methods" to do a good job in project planning and attraction; We should make every effort to focus on the industrial economy, focus on key industries, key enterprises and key products, take accurate measures and make precise efforts, vigorously develop the low altitude economy, medical equipment, artificial intelligence, etc., cultivate new economic growth points, and promote the continuous recovery of industry; We should make every effort to improve the quality and upgrade the service industry, accelerate the development of productive services, foster and strengthen the life service industry, expand and strengthen the culture, tourism and health care industry, further stimulate consumption vitality, vigorously develop the county economy, do a good job in agriculture and rural areas, and strengthen the summer harvest, summer planting, and summer management. We need to strengthen responsibility, ensure that all tasks are fulfilled and paid, solve development problems in a timely manner, make up for weaknesses and weaknesses in a targeted way, focus on implementation in a down-to-earth manner, vigorously implement implementation, and dare to do good deeds, so as to fully promote the quality and effective improvement of the economy and reasonable growth in quantity.

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