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"Recruitment and job search" website directory

  •  BOSS direct employment

    BOSS direct employment

    BOSS direct recruitment is an authoritative and leading recruitment website, which opens a new era of recruitment and job search on talent website!

    BOSS direct employment - 2023-12-04 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and ninety-seven
  •  Title list

    Title list

    The professional title list is a service-oriented platform for middle and senior talents to engage in part-time and optimized professional titles

    Title list - 2023-11-13 - Collection
    popularity: four hundred and fifteen
  •  Pulse


    Based on "real name/career certification" and "network engine", the workplace community and job search platform, which are used by 120 million people in the workplace, help people in the workplace to expand their contacts, exchange and cooperation, seek jobs and recruit, and gain more opportunities.

    Pulse - 2023-11-12 - Collection
    popularity: three hundred and eight
  •  Digital English Network

    Digital English Network

    DIGITALING, a digital media and career recruitment social platform in Greater China, covers various digital related fields such as marketing, advertising media, creative design, e-commerce, mobile Internet, etc. It is committed to integrating information in the digital industry and benefiting from visitors to DIGITALING @ DIGITALING

    Digital English Network - 2023-11-12 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and eighty-seven
  •  Lagao recruitment

    Lagao recruitment

    Laguo recruitment is a professional Internet job recruitment website. It is committed to providing true and reliable information about job hunting for Internet jobs, has a large pool of Internet talents, and is a reliable job hunting website.

    Lagao recruitment - 2023-10-26 - Collection
    popularity: three hundred and five
  •  Liepin


    Liepin is a professional and efficient recruitment and job search platform, providing a large number of high paying positions for job seekers, online communication, and quick feedback! We provide free recruitment services for enterprise recruiters, high-quality talents, precise recommendations, and we can use Hunting to talk about recruitment and job hunting!

    Liepin - 2023-10-24 - Collection
    popularity: three hundred and twenty-nine
  •  Colleagues


    Workmate collection: provide services such as customer search, company search, ranking, job search, salary check, trend check, specialty search, top 500 list, bidding, etc. Let people in the workplace avoid detours.

    Colleagues - 2023-10-24 - Collection
    popularity: three hundred and eleven
  •  LinkedIn Corporate Services

    LinkedIn Corporate Services

    LinkedIn, Its Chinese name is "LinkedIn". It is a social platform for the workplace. Founded in 2003, it is headquartered in Silicon Valley. The company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange on May 20, 2011. The purpose of the website is to let registered users maintain the contacts they know and trust in business contacts, commonly known as "contacts". Users can invite people they know to become people in the "relationship" circle.

    LinkedIn Corporate Services - 2023-09-11 - Collection
    popularity: three hundred and ninety-three
  •  51job


    51job talent network faces the whole country, provides 2023 accurate recruitment website information, and provides enterprises and job seekers with all-round human resources services including talent recruitment, job hunting, job hunting, training, etc. More job hunting information is 51job!

    51job - 2023-09-05 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and fifty
  •  Zhaopin recruitment

    Zhaopin recruitment

    Zhaopin Recruitment National Recruitment Network is a national authoritative platform for job hunting. It provides you with true and accurate national job hunting and recruitment information. Every day, millions of high paying jobs are available for you to choose. Zhaopin recruitment

    Zhaopin recruitment - 2023-09-05 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and twenty-five
10 in total one

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    Monster AI digital human products launched by Monster Intelligence Technology include holographic interactive digital human, 3D hyperrealistic interactive digital human, AIGC production, SaaS management and live broadcast service platform. The founding team comes from the monster intelligent big data platform, has accumulated rich industry experience in the Internet, Internet of Things, intelligent software and hardware and other fields, and is committed to building the world's leading AIGC digital human intelligent platform. Through such core technologies as real person image cloning, real person voice cloning, twin pose synthesis, lip shape synchronous drive, real-time video rendering, multi material integrated artificial intelligence, and modular delivery of SAAS and application software systems, we can help customers achieve short video content production and live broadcast promotion of digital people. Monster AI provides brand businesses and local life businesses with digital human cloning, digital human short video generation, digital human live broadcast solutions, 3D hyperrealistic holographic interactive screens and digital human interaction solutions.

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