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"News Newspapers" website directory

"News Newspapers" website directory

  •  International Online

    International Online

    International Online (www.cri. cn) is a central key news website hosted by China Central Radio and Television (CCTV). It spreads around the world through 44 languages (excluding the four dialects of Guangke and Minchao). It is a multi application and multi terminal website cluster with the most languages, the most widely spread regions, and the most influential people in China. Relying on the extensive information channels and media resources of China Central Radio and Television (CCTV), IOL has more than 40 foreign correspondent stations around the world, and has established good cooperation relations with institutions in China from many countries. It has developed into an international new media platform with a strong information collection network and diversified communication channels. Relying on its unique global resources, IOL focuses on building business lines such as news, cities, enterprises and tourism, and provides international information and marketing services to users at home and abroad with cross regional, cross language and cross cultural needs.

    International Online - 2024-04-09 - Collection
    popularity: one hundred and ninety
  •  China Economic Network

    China Economic Network

    China Economic Network is the only comprehensive news website focusing on economic reports among national key news websites. It collects and writes a lot of economic news every day, integrates economic news and information from major domestic media, and provides authoritative reference for government departments and enterprises to make decisions; Provide rich and timely economic news for all online readers who pay attention to economic life.

    China Economic Network - 2024-04-09 - Collection
    popularity: one hundred and ninety
  •  Zhanjiang News Network

    Zhanjiang News Network

    Official portal website of Zhanjiang area under Zhanjiang Daily, electronic edition of Zhanjiang Daily and Zhanjiang Evening News

    Zhanjiang News Network - 2023-12-22 - Collection
    popularity: three hundred and eighty-three
  •  Straits network

    Straits network

    Straits Network is under the leadership of Fujian Daily Newspaper Group; The electronic edition of the Straits Metropolis Daily, Fujian, Fuzhou, Minnan, Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Putian, Ningde, Sanming, Longyan, international, domestic, Taiwan, entertainment, sports and other news columns, as well as life channels such as education, real estate, cars, home furnishing, fitness, forums, enrich your online life in Fujian. We strive to build Fujian's largest news portal with authoritative, accurate and timely original news.

    Straits network - 2023-12-22 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and eighty-six
  •  Per net

    Per net

    The website is a 24-hour news website. Relying on the Daily Economic News, a cutting-edge financial daily, it is an influential news website in China, covering brand value, automobile information, video, funds, finance, real estate, financial news, securities firms, companies and other directions. It is a comprehensive financial news platform.

    Per net - 2023-12-22 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and sixty
  •  Xinmin


    Xinmin.com is the official website of Xinmin Evening News and a powerful news portal. It features Shanghai's breaking news, finance and original news, and uses full media technology innovation reports such as text, video, podcasts, pictures, and live broadcasts. In addition, Xinmin Evening News digital newspapers and Xinmin Weekly digital magazines are available on that day.

    Xinmin - 2023-12-22 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and seventy-four
  •  New Blue Net

    New Blue Net

    Zhejiang Radio and Television Group New Media integrates the advantageous resources of 18 radio and television channels, including Zhejiang Satellite TV, to create "Zhejiang's first video portal", and provide Internet users with new media quality services that integrate the Internet, communication networks, and television networks seamlessly.

    New Blue Net - 2023-12-15 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and seventy-seven
  •  Northern Network

    Northern Network

    Norinco is a provincial news website led by the Publicity Department of Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, in charge of Tianjin Haihe Media Center, and sponsored by Tianjin Jinyun New Media Group. Launched on December 18, 2000, it was identified by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee as one of the top ten mainstream news websites in China in 2001.

    Northern Network - 2023-12-07 - Collection
    popularity: four hundred and eighty-six
  •  Futurenet


    Futurenet is a central news website approved by the State Internet Information Office, a news media, and a new media work platform of the National Youth Working Committee. It is committed to creating vertical news information about youth education, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of young people, guiding young people to access the Internet safely, and building a colorful activity platform for young people.

    Futurenet - 2023-11-20 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and twenty-two
  •  Surging news

    Surging news

    Pangpai, Pangpai News, Pangpai News Network, News and Thoughts, Pangpai is an Internet platform of current politics and ideology rooted in Shanghai, China. With the most active original news and the most calm thought analysis as the two wings, it is a combination of Internet technology innovation and news value inheritance, focusing on the practice of question and answer news and news tracking function.

    Surging news - 2023-11-18 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and fifty-one
23 in total one two three »

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