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Directory of websites of "government organizations"

  •  Guangdong Court Website

    Guangdong Court Website

    On February 1, 1950, the People's Court of Guangdong Province was established. In September 1954, the Organic Law of the People's Court of the People's Republic of China was promulgated, and the People's Court of Guangdong Province was renamed as the Higher People's Court of Guangdong Province. At present, there are 21 intermediate people's courts, 3 special courts, including Guangzhou Maritime Court, Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court, Guangzhou Railway Transport Intermediate Court, and 135 grass-roots courts, including Guangzhou Internet Court.

    Guangdong Court Website - 2024-05-10 - Collection
    popularity: one hundred and eleven
  •  Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding

    Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding

    Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (hereinafter referred to as "the Base") is located at No. 1375, Panda Avenue, Chenghua District, Chengdu, 10 kilometers away from the downtown (Tianfu Square), 30 kilometers away from Shuangliu International Airport, and 70 kilometers away from Tianfu International Airport. The Panda Base is a world-famous ex situ conservation base, scientific research and breeding base, popular science education base and cultural tourism base for giant pandas, covering an area of 3.07 square kilometers. As the "Giant Panda Ex situ Conservation Ecological Demonstration Project", it is famous for protecting and breeding giant pandas, red pandas and other endangered wildlife unique to China. Here, the mountains are full of Dai, the water is like a mirror, the forest is full of waves, and the birds are singing harmoniously. It is known as "the natural paradise of national treasures, our paradise".

    Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding - 2024-01-09 - Collection
    popularity: four hundred and five
  •  National Health Commission

    National Health Commission

    The National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China is a component department of the State Council. It was established in March 2018, formerly known as the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

    National Health Commission - 2024-01-03 - Collection
    popularity: three hundred
  •  Ministry of Justice

    Ministry of Justice

    The Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China is a component department of the State Council in charge of judicial administration throughout the country, which is at the ministerial level. The Office of the Central Committee for the Comprehensive Rule of Law is located in the Ministry of Justice.

    Ministry of Justice - 2024-01-02 - Collection
    popularity: four hundred and twenty
  •  State Ethnic Affairs Commission

    State Ethnic Affairs Commission

    The State Ethnic Affairs Commission implements the principles, policies and decisions of the Party Central Committee on ethnic work, and adheres to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee on ethnic work in the process of performing its duties.

    State Ethnic Affairs Commission - 2024-01-02 - Collection
    popularity: three hundred and eight
  •  Ministry of Civil Affairs

    Ministry of Civil Affairs

    Provide platforms such as messages, online interviews, online letters and visits, reports, and soliciting opinions to unblock the channels for government and people interaction, so as to learn about public opinion, absorb people's wisdom, relieve people's worries, and accept people's supervision

    Ministry of Civil Affairs - 2024-01-02 - Collection
    popularity: two hundred and ninety-five
  •  Chongqing Municipal People's Government

    Chongqing Municipal People's Government

    Chongqing is located in the southwest of inland China and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It covers an area of 82400 square kilometers and governs 38 districts and counties (26 districts, 8 counties and 4 autonomous counties). The permanent population is 32.133 million, and the urbanization rate is 70.96%. The population is dominated by the Han nationality, accounting for 93.23%, and the minority nationalities mainly include Tujia, Miao, etc. Chongqing is a unique "mountain city and river city" with a subtropical humid monsoon climate. It is hot in early spring and hot in summer, rainy in autumn and warm in winter; The landform is dominated by hills and mountains, of which mountains account for 76%; The Yangtze River runs through the whole territory, with a flow of 691 kilometers, and it joins Jialing River, Wujiang River and other rivers. There are rich tourism resources, including the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Dazu Stone Carvings, the World Cultural Heritage, Wulong Karst, the World Natural Heritage, and Jinfo Mountain in Nanchuan.

    Chongqing Municipal People's Government - 2023-12-27 - Collection
    popularity: four hundred and sixty-two
  •  Benxi Municipal People's Government

    Benxi Municipal People's Government

    Benxi is located in the southeast of Liaoning Province, with geographical coordinates between 123 ° 34 ′ - 125 ° 46 ′ E and 40 ° 49 ′ - 41 ° 35 ′ N. It is adjacent to Tonghua City, Jilin Province in the east, Liaoyang City in the west, Dandong City in the south and Shenyang City in the north. It is an important hub of Shenyang Dandong Railway and Shenyang Dandong Expressway.

    Benxi Municipal People's Government - 2023-12-27 - Collection
    popularity: three hundred and eleven
  •  People's Government of Gansu Province

    People's Government of Gansu Province

    Gansu, an ancient Yongzhou, is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. It connects Shaanxi in the east, Sichuan and Qinghai in the south, Xinjiang in the west, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia in the north, and is the key and golden section of the ancient Silk Road.

    People's Government of Gansu Province - 2023-12-21 - Collection
    popularity: three hundred and sixty-five
  •  People's Government of Jishishan County

    People's Government of Jishishan County

    The People's Government of Shiyuan Town, Jishishan County, in May 2021, was commended as the "Advanced Collective for Poverty Alleviation in Gansu Province" by the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and the Gansu Provincial Government.

    People's Government of Jishishan County - 2023-12-21 - Collection
    popularity: one hundred and fifty-six

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