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  • 2023-12-27 Date of inclusion
  • 2024-06-01 Update Date
 East China Normal University

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  • Website address: www.ecnu.edu.cn  Visit website       [Claim website] - [Delete error report report]
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  • Website description: East China Normal University (ECNU) is a comprehensive research-oriented university organized by the state, supervised by the Ministry of Education, and co built by the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. The university was founded on October 16, 1951, on the basis of Daxia University (1924) and Guanghua University (1925), and was transferred to some departments of St. John's University, Fudan University, Tongji University, Zhejiang University and other universities, and was founded on the original site of Daxia University. In 1959, the school was identified by the CPC Central Committee as one of the 16 key universities in China. In 1972, the school merged with Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai Institute of Physical Education and other institutions, and was renamed Shanghai Normal University. In 1978, the university was again recognized as a national key university. In 1980, the school restored the name of East China Normal University. In 1986, the university was approved by the State Council as one of the 33 institutions of higher learning that set up graduate schools. In 1996, it was listed as one of the "211 Project" national key universities. From 1997 to 1998, Shanghai Preschool Teachers College, Shanghai Institute of Education and Shanghai Second Institute of Education were incorporated into the school. In 2002, according to the strategic deployment of the layout and structure adjustment of Shanghai's colleges and universities, the school launched the planning and construction of Minhang Campus, and moved to Minhang Campus in 2006, forming a school running pattern of "one school, two districts, and coordinated development". In 2006, the Ministry of Education and Shanghai decided to jointly build East China Normal University as a key project, and the university entered the ranks of the national "985 Project" universities. In 2017, the university entered the A-class list of national "world-class university" construction universities, and comprehensively started a new journey of taking root in China to build a first-class university.
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East China Normal University

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