Public account
Video number
Dithering signal
Station B No

Micro video | Going to the Sea

A series of activities on the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine culture were held

Digital newspaper

Lianghe Smart Cloud data platform

Activate the Blue Ocean of Smart Media Dream Chasing Data
It is not dangerous
Real time monitoring of relevant content of the whole network platform and rapid report generation can provide strong data and intelligent support for public opinion guidance.
Zhiyun perception
Intelligently patrol and manage the content released by the new media platform to ensure the accuracy and security of information content.
The new media platform information capture, analysis and assessment system significantly reduces the workload of manual data statistics and improves the efficiency of new media operation and management.
Chat about Anson
The 7 × 24 hour AI security officer is on duty and automatically patrols to provide a solid guarantee for network security.
Intelligent Media Management
Through the communication big data analysis system, the project can conduct real-time monitoring and analysis on the communication of government new media, We Media and other accounts, and provide data support for optimizing the communication strategy.