
What are the taste characteristics of Liubao tea with different processes

The taste characteristics of Liubao tea with different processes are totally different in two directions. Liubao tea, a traditional craft, has light fermentation, green and yellow tea soup, high aroma, strong taste, obvious performance of returning to sweet and producing saliva, slightly bitter. Therefore, the aesthetics of traditional craft Liubao tea can be summed up in four words, that is, fresh and sweet. Mouth
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Is it better to drink Liubao tea as you get older? The quality of Liubao tea is good after several years?

Is Liubao tea a new tea that can't be drunk? Must have a vintage to drink? Is it better to drink Liubao tea as you get older? The quality of Liubao tea is good after several years? This is a problem that puzzles many new tea lovers. In fact, there is no standard answer to the above questions. Because everyone likes different tastes
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What is the spring tea of Liubao Tea? What are the spring teas of Liubao Tea?

Many friends like to taste fresh food, and tea drinking is no exception. For Liubao tea, Liubao tea is divided into traditional technology and modern technology. The traditional Liubao tea can be picked all the year round. Of course, spring tea is the first to be picked. Spring tea, generally refers to the sprouts of tea trees after overwintering
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Liubao tea tastes strange? Interpretation of Mud, Smoke, Green, Pile and Warehouse Flavors of Liubao Tea

Recently, I received a private letter from some tea friends saying that the Liubao tea they bought in a physical store had a muddy and earthy smell. I asked what was the matter. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to talk about the peculiar smell of Liubao tea. First, make a science popularization: tea is a kind of porous material with loose tissue structure, from the surface to
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Is Liubao tea mellow? How to understand the mellow nature of Liubao tea?

When it comes to Liubao tea, the words "red tea is strong and mellow" can be heard everywhere, which has become a specific label of Liubao tea. Literally, "red", "thick" and "Chen" are not difficult to understand, but the word "mellow" is different for many people. ▲ Taking advantage of the opportunity to go out to find tea, I specially want to drink six kinds of tea
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Why doesn't Liubao tea smell good? Common problems about taste and aroma of Liubao tea

Today, I mainly answer the question of Liubao's tea drinking, which is also the most puzzling question of tea friends. Liubao tea is a kind of black tea and post fermented tea. After fermentation and aging, it has a special taste. It is not like the fresh West Lake Longjing tea or the high fragrant Wuyi rock tea. It is "attractive" at the first sip. The taste of Liubao tea is even "unpleasant"
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[Video] What is the areca fragrance of Liubao tea? Characteristics and differences of betel nut aroma of Liubao tea

Hello, everyone. Today we talk about the historical origin of betel nut aroma in Liubao tea. When we talk about betel nut aroma, we can think of Liubao tea, which means that when we talk about duck dung aroma, we can think of Phoenix single fir. Because betel nut aroma belongs to the unique aroma of Liubao tea, and people in Guangdong and Guangxi used to like betel nut, I remember
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How does Liubao tea taste? Why does Liubao tea have all kinds of flavors?

Many friends from other places are new to Liubao tea, especially after visiting several factories in Wuzhou, they will be puzzled: how can Liubao tea have so many flavors? Each factory's tea tastes different. What is the real flavor of authentic Liubao tea? Of course, diversity is also a good thing. The nine sons of dragons are different, but still
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