
What kind of Liubao tea is suitable for people with different physiques?

Have you ever experienced any of the following situations? After drinking some tea, you feel uncomfortable, such as getting angry, stomachache, dizziness, insomnia, etc. The main reason is that the individual's physique does not match the nature of tea. If you drink these tea which does not match the physique for a long time, it will damage your body. So before tea
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Who can't drink Six Castle Tea?

Liubao tea is mild in nature, and its health care effect has been unanimously recognized by tea friends. However, everything has two sides, and Liubao tea is no exception. The following categories of people are not suitable for drinking. 1、 It is not suitable for pregnant women to drink Liubao tea, which contains a lot of tea polyphenols, caffeine, etc
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Six Functions and Seven Taboos of Liubao Tea

Liubao tea is mild after aging. It can not only help digestion after full eating, but also clear the intestines and stomach after drinking on an empty stomach. Liubao tea contains a variety of essential amino acids, vitamins and trace elements for human body. Its lipolytic alcohols are higher than other teas. It has a stronger ability to decompose fat, reduce fat compounds in human body, and consolidate bile
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