
Why should Liubao tea be stored away from light?

Liubao tea should be stored away from light. Many people only know one thing and don't know the other. They think it's OK to avoid the tea being exposed to direct sunlight. In fact, there are two details that should be paid attention to. 1、 Don't use glass jars to store tea. Many tea lovers prefer to use glass jars to store tea, and put them directly on indoor shelves. In fact, such a place
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Six aspects to teach you how to improve the drinking experience of Liubao tea in rainy days

After analyzing the reason why Liubao tea doesn't smell good on rainy days in the last article, a tea friend said, can't I drink tea on rainy days? In fact, this article talks about how to improve the drinking experience of Liubao tea in rainy days. Although many factors will affect the experience of drinking tea, we can still follow
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How to make Liubao tea? Introduction to basic brewing methods of Liubao tea

How to drink Liubao tea? Brewing is the most basic and commonly used method. Brewing is also called Kung Fu Pao, which aims to taste tea and experience the changes of aroma and taste of each tea soup, as well as the endless charm. Many tea friends drink Liubao tea for the first time and don't know how to start. In fact, after drinking Pu'er tea, the brewing of Liubao tea and Pu'er tea
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Can Liubao Tea Lose Weight? How about the slimming effect of Liubao tea?

Friends who know Liubao tea better will know that the most prominent role of Liubao tea in health care is to regulate the stomach and intestines to achieve a certain effect of moisture removal. In addition, some people also say that regular drinking of Liubao tea can reduce weight, which is also questioned by many people. Can you lose weight by drinking Liubao tea? This article provides some ideas
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What is Liubao Tea Group Tea? What is Liubao Tea Group?

Liubao tea is usually packaged in a large bamboo basket. After steaming, the tea is pressed into the basket for aging. Therefore, Liubao tea is called a large bamboo basket tea. All kinds of small packages seen in the market are separated from baskets. In addition, Liubao tea also has brick, cake, tuo and other forms. Another concept is called group tea, right
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What is the double steaming and double pressure process of Liubao tea? Characteristics of double steaming and double pressing process of Liubao tea

When people buy Liubao tea in the market, they often see the main selling points on the outer package, such as the double steaming and double pressing process. Many tea lovers are curious about what is the double steaming and double pressing of Liubao tea? What are the characteristics of this process? The process of Liubao tea can be divided into four types. The order of fermentation degree is from light to deep
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Is Liubao tea compressed or loose? What is the difference between Liubao tea and Pu'er tea?

With regard to the concept of pressed tea and loose tea, many tea drinkers distinguish it by the shape of the finished dry tea, because this is the most intuitive impression, such as brick, cake, tuo and other forms, which is undoubtedly pressed tea. The seven son cake commonly seen in Pu'er tea is also a kind of pressed tea. In the market, Liubao tea is usually in the form of loose tea, so many people will
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What are the characteristics of the betel nut fragrance of Liubao tea? How to drink the areca fragrance of Liubao tea?

The aroma of Liubao tea shows different types of aroma in different years according to different raw materials and different processes, such as flower fragrance, fungus fragrance, ripe fruit fragrance, camphor fragrance in the new tea stage, betelnut fragrance, wood fragrance, medicinal fragrance, ginseng fragrance in the middle tea stage, and the complex fragrance of old tea, among which the most unique one is betelnut fragrance
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