Longwei District: take multiple measures to promote the rapid and healthy development of Liubao tea industry

At the end of April, the reporter walked into the 10000 mu tea sea base in Yunshan, Longwei District. Looking around, the tea trees are growing well all over the mountains. The Liubao tea cultivation technology guidance group in Longwei District is teaching the key points of tea farmers' cultivation and management technology on the spot. Longwei District Agricultural and Rural Bureau related responsible person introduced that they give full play to the town's agricultural technology station, agriculture
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Two minutes to learn about Liubao Tea National Geographic Indication Product Protection Demonstration Zone

In 2021, the Liubao Tea National Geographic Indication Product Protection Demonstration Zone applied by Wuzhou City for preparation was approved by the State Intellectual Property Office, with a construction period of three years. The preparation of Liubao Tea National Geographic Indication Product Protection Demonstration Zone will help to give full play to the leading role of Liubao Tea's geographical indication products and improve the competition in the product market
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The public brand of Liubao tea is worth 3.234 billion yuan

Since this year, focusing on promoting the high-quality development of Liubao tea industry, Wuzhou has made every effort to do a good job in three articles of "green", "integration" and "red", and coordinated tea culture, tea industry and tea science and technology. Starting from the six key links of selecting and breeding tea seedlings, building tea gardens, cultivating tea enterprises, cultivating tea teachers, forming a tea market, and building a tea city, it has systematically promoted
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Relevant policies of the three-year action plan for high-quality development of the tea industry in Liubao, Cangwu County (2021-2023)

● The guiding ideology and development goals firmly grasp the strategic opportunity of the country's implementation of the "Belt and Road" construction and rural revitalization, implement the decision and deployment of the autonomous region's party committee and government on building a hundred billion yuan industry, and through breeding high-quality tea seedlings, expanding tea gardens, cultivating tea enterprises, cultivating tea teachers, forming a tea market, and fighting
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Small tea and big industry Wuzhou City makes every effort to promote high-quality development of Liubao tea industry

Tea is a "Chinese card" carrying history and culture, and the tea industry is an important livelihood industry related to the people's good life. In recent years, Wuzhou City has thoroughly implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the development of the tea industry, in accordance with the requirements of "strengthening the leading role, supplementing the chain, and gathering clusters", and with the whole industry chain thinking, adhere to the planning leadership
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Cangwu County Held the Promotion Meeting of Liubao Tea

Recently, Cangwu County held a meeting to promote the work of Liubao tea. The meeting listened to the reports of Cangwu's towns and departments on the promotion of Liubao tea planting, analyzed and studied the problems existing in the current promotion of Liubao tea, and deployed the next step of work. The meeting pointed out that as the origin and core production area of Liubao tea, Cangwu County
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Xiao Xia went to Libu Town to investigate and supervise the planting of Liubao tea in spring

In order to further consolidate the responsibilities of all parties and firmly complete the task of planting tea gardens this spring assigned by the municipal party committee and government, Xiao Xia, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and president of the People's Court of Cangwu County, went to Libu Town to carry out research and supervision on the spring planting conference of Liubao tea. Libu Town will tackle the difficulties of planting tea gardens in spring and promote the planting of tea gardens
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Cang Wu: Lead East and Melt "Living Water" to Make Liubao Tea

"Let tourists from Guangdong to Guangxi have their first sip of Liubao tea in Mushuang Town." Recently, Mushuang Town, Cangwu County held the first quarter party day activity of the Guangdong Guangxi United Party Branch in 2022 and the secretary lecture activity of the two rivers and four towns in Guangdong and Guangxi, and the two cities jointly invited experts and scholars to offer suggestions for the integrated development of local tea, culture and tourism. Mushuang Town is close to Guangdong
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The tea garden blooms the flower of civilization, takes root at the grassroots level and lives up to its youth

Yu Cuiping, a doctor of tea science from Zhejiang University, is a high-level talent in our city. He is now the deputy director of Wuzhou Agricultural Science Research Institute. For many years, as the disseminator of Liubao tea brand culture and the demonstrator of advanced agricultural technology, she has always integrated the establishment of civilization into daily work, rooted in the grassroots all the year round, and let the flower of spiritual civilization bloom
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