
Why does some Liubao tea have a watery taste? How to avoid the smell of water when brewing Liubao tea?

Some tea friends reported that when drinking Liubao tea, they thought it was watery. Why? First of all, we should understand what is the water taste of Liubao tea? Secondly, how does water taste come into being? Finally, how to avoid it when brewing? 1、 What is the smell of water? The taste of water refers to the feeling of water after the entrance of tea soup
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How to Treat Liubao Tea Correctly

Recently, a friend brought me a tea to taste, and I quite agree with this tea, but this friend holds the opposite opinion, because the soup color is too light, the stale fragrance does not show, and does not have the characteristics of thick red and mellow old, so it is not a good tea. This is also how many people use the standard of "thick red and mellow old" to judge the merits of Liubao tea, as if
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Six aspects to teach you how to improve the drinking experience of Liubao tea in rainy days

After analyzing the reason why Liubao tea doesn't smell good on rainy days in the last article, a tea friend said, can't I drink tea on rainy days? In fact, this article talks about how to improve the drinking experience of Liubao tea in rainy days. Although many factors will affect the experience of drinking tea, we can still follow
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What are the characteristics of the betel nut fragrance of Liubao tea? How to drink the areca fragrance of Liubao tea?

The aroma of Liubao tea shows different types of aroma in different years according to different raw materials and different processes, such as flower fragrance, fungus fragrance, ripe fruit fragrance, camphor fragrance in the new tea stage, betelnut fragrance, wood fragrance, medicinal fragrance, ginseng fragrance in the middle tea stage, and the complex fragrance of old tea, among which the most unique one is betelnut fragrance
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Why does Liubao tea have earthy smell? And the removal method of earthy smell

The so-called "earthy smell" or "muddy smell" of Liubao tea is like the smell of wet soil returning after rain. It has a stuffy and fishy smell. It can only be swept away after the sun comes out. This is an unpleasant taste in drinking. In technical terms, it is called warehouse flavor, which can be understood as a special regional flavor. This
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Why does Liubao tea smell like mud? How to remove the warehouse flavor of Liubao tea?

I have met many tea friends. The reason why I was persuaded to quit by Liubao Tea is mostly due to the problem of warehouse flavor. Some people feel like the smell of mildew, others feel like the smell of soil, like the smell of soil after rain. First of all, Cangwei is really an unpleasant taste in drinking. Due to the origin of Liubao tea - Wuzhou, Guangxi
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What are the taste characteristics of Liubao tea with different processes

The taste characteristics of Liubao tea with different processes are totally different in two directions. Liubao tea, a traditional craft, has light fermentation, green and yellow tea soup, high aroma, strong taste, obvious performance of returning to sweet and producing saliva, slightly bitter. Therefore, the aesthetics of traditional craft Liubao tea can be summed up in four words, that is, fresh and sweet. Mouth
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Is it better to drink Liubao tea as you get older? The quality of Liubao tea is good after several years?

Is Liubao tea a new tea that can't be drunk? Must have a vintage to drink? Is it better to drink Liubao tea as you get older? The quality of Liubao tea is good after several years? This is a problem that puzzles many new tea lovers. In fact, there is no standard answer to the above questions. Because everyone likes different tastes
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