What are "Dui", "Baked Dui" and "Wo Dui" in Liubao tea making process?

A tea friend asked: Why is Liubao tea called post fermented tea? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

This is because Liubao tea undergoes twice fermentation in the process link. For Liubao tea with the initial process, there is a process called heap stuffiness, which belongs to the first fermentation. Liubao tea with the single steaming and double steaming process and Liubao tea with the modern process, on the basis of the traditional process, carry out "baked heap" or "Wodui", which belongs to the second fermentation. Therefore, Liubao tea belongs to post fermentation tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

How to understand heaping, baking and heaping?

(1) Heap stuffiness

It is one of the early production processes of Liubao tea. Fresh leaves are blanched, rolled, stacked for several hours, re kneaded, and then dried. The stacking described here. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

什么是六堡茶制作工艺里的“堆闷”、“焗堆”和“渥堆”? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

The formation of "stuffiness" has a certain contingency. In the past, the efficiency of tea farmers in drying tea was relatively low. After rolling the tea, it was too late to dry, so they had to stack the tea for one night and continue processing the next day. Unexpectedly, this way of building a pile of stuffy tea made the tea taste mellow, bitter and astringent, and easier to be accepted by people, so it gradually became a process and remained. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

(2) Baked Bun

The main method is to steam, heat and humidify the tea, and then stack the tea together to ferment. This process belongs to a part of thermal fermentation. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

(3) Wadding pile

The main method is to spray cold water on the tea and turn over the pile. With the participation of microorganisms, the content of tea can be transformed, and the bitter and astringent taste can be reduced, the green taste can be eliminated, and the taste can become mellow. This is a part of cold fermentation. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

什么是六堡茶制作工艺里的“堆闷”、“焗堆”和“渥堆”? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

Difference of three processes

To some extent, baked heaps and wadded heaps are both evolved from traditional heaps. The principle of the three is basically the same. They all use the "damp heat effect". Under the effect of certain moisture, heat and oxygen, they promote the transformation of the contents of tea, so that the color of the bottom of the tea leaves changes, the bitter taste is reduced, the color of the soup is deepened, and the taste is mellow, forming the unique color and flavor of Liubao tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

In terms of water treatment, no additional water is needed for piling, and the tea juice produced by the tea itself after rolling is completely used; Baked heaps and wadded heaps need to be steamed or watered to add water. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

什么是六堡茶制作工艺里的“堆闷”、“焗堆”和“渥堆”? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

Generally speaking, the stacking time is the shortest, which is about a few hours to 10 hours; Baked in the second place, about 18-24 hours; The pile is the longest, lasting for 30-60 days (it needs to be turned many times in the middle). The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

Therefore, the finished products produced by the three processes have different fermentation degrees. The taste style has its own characteristics. Liubao tea, a traditional craft with the core of stuffiness, has the lightest fermentation degree, golden soup, fresh and stimulating taste, and still has a bitter taste; The single steaming and double steaming process of Liubao tea, which focuses on the baking and autoclaving process, has a slightly deeper fermentation than the initial process. The soup is yellow with red color, tastes refreshing, slightly astringent, and tastes between raw and cooked; The modern craft Liubao tea with cold water pile fermentation as its core has moderate fermentation, bright red soup, mellow and not bitter taste, and mild tea property. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html

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  • This article is written by Published on December 16, 2022 07:00:22
  • Please keep the link of this article for reprinting: http://www.lbczj.cn/45611.html


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