What are the conditions for Liubao tea to become more fragrant as it ages? Rational concept of Liubao tea tasting

Liubao tea has the saying that "the more old, the more fragrant" and "the more old, the better", but many people's understanding is too one-sided. They intuitively put the year first, thinking that the longer the age of Liubao tea, the better the quality and the higher the value. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

六堡茶越陈越香的条件是什么?六堡茶品鉴的合理观念 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

In terms of price, the longer the Liubao tea is, the higher the price is. This is because Liubao tea belongs to black tea and can be stored for a long time. Long term storage is very particular about tea products and storage. In addition, the cost is higher due to the time relationship. In addition, time cannot be measured by money. Therefore, the price of old tea in the market is basically irregular. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

However, if we blindly pursue the year, ignoring the taste and putting the cart before the horse, it is not difficult to understand why there are old tea fakes. What we like is the blind pursuit of the year. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

So, if the year is not the primary condition for judgment, why do we say that the more old, the more fragrant? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

First of all, we should understand what is "Chen"?

Chen refers not only to the "long time", but also to the continuous "aging" of Liubao tea during long-term storage. The so-called "aging" refers to the biological action and automatic oxygenation of tea polyphenols, proteins, sugars, amino acids, alkaloids and other substances in the tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

A Liubao tea, after years of aging, has a light to deep soup color, a fresh to mellow taste, a high to restrained aroma, and a cold to mild tea nature, which is the rule of aging. However, there are preconditions to achieve this result. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

1. Raw materials

High quality raw materials can be destroyed, but poor quality raw materials cannot be made. Raw materials determine the upper limit that a tea can reach. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

六堡茶越陈越香的条件是什么?六堡茶品鉴的合理观念 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

2. Process

Technology is the key to ensure good transformation of tea. It is particularly important to grasp the degree of fermentation. It is necessary to achieve a certain palatability, at the same time, it can also ensure the activity of tea, and there is room for continuous transformation in the later stage. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

3. Warehousing

Since time conversion is needed, warehousing is very important. If it is only considered from the perspective of never putting it out of order, it is only necessary to put it in a cool and dry environment. But from the perspective of transformation, there are many conditions. To meet a certain humidity, the environment is too dry and the tea has not been transformed, which also doomed to the fact that the northern environment is difficult to transform. In addition, a certain amount of tea is needed for tea storage. If the amount is too small, the transformation will be slow. Finally, it is necessary to create a relatively closed independent space, where constant temperature and humidity are the best. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

六堡茶越陈越香的条件是什么?六堡茶品鉴的合理观念 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

Therefore, there are preconditions for the concept of "Chen". Don't just look at the number of years. It is not meaningful. I have drunk too many medium tea and old tea, both of which are not short in age, but of low quality. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

Moreover, even with good raw materials, excellent technology and good storage, Liubao tea still has its peak taste. Just like people, the age with the most energy, the best physical strength, and the ability to do the most things must not be the late age. The same is true for drinking tea. It is said that after drinking the century old Pu'er tea, the experts evaluated it as tasteless. As a kind of tea, it has no taste like boiled water. Is it meaningful to be a tea for a long time? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

What do we mean by "fragrance"?

"Fragrance" is not just the "fragrance" on the surface. On the contrary, after the transformation of years, the aroma has changed from high to low, the bitter taste of tea soup has been reduced, and the types of medicine fragrance, betel nut fragrance, wood fragrance, ginseng fragrance, rosin and so on have gradually emerged, which together constitute the embodiment of aging fragrance. At the same time, "fragrance" includes the improvement of comprehensive quality in many aspects, such as taste and tea flavor. In the taste, it is smooth, mellow, clean and dense; In terms of body feeling, Liubao tea is pleasant, comfortable and transparent. On the whole, the aroma of Liubao tea that can get older and more fragrant must be more and more pure, the tea is more and more mild, and the taste is more and more mellow. The quality, flavor and health care effect of Liubao tea have been significantly improved. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

六堡茶越陈越香的条件是什么?六堡茶品鉴的合理观念 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

The reasonable concept of Liubao tea tasting should be Light aging period, heavy aging quality. The quality standard should not be the age, but the transformation state and quality of tea. Even the new tea of 3-5 years is good tea as long as it meets the above conditions. If the old tea of 30-50 years has problems in any link, then the value of drinking is limited, and the year is just a number. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html

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  • This article is written by Published on December 15, 2022 12:46:00
  • Please keep the link of this article for reprinting: http://www.lbczj.cn/45610.html


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