How to Treat Liubao Tea Correctly

Recently, a friend brought me a tea to taste, and I quite agree with this tea, but this friend holds the opposite opinion, because the soup color is too light, the stale fragrance does not show, and does not have the characteristics of thick red and mellow old, so it is not a good tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

This is also why many people use the standard of "black thick and mellow" to judge the advantages and disadvantages of Liubao tea. It is like a Liubao tea. It is not a good tea without "black thick and mellow" at the same time. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

如何正确看待六堡茶的红浓陈醇 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

This kind of evaluation often misjudges good tea! Because it is not objective and too one-sided. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

1、 What is red, thick and mellow

Literally, it is not difficult to understand, but there are also some misunderstandings. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

"Red" means that the soup color is red and bright, but this red does not mean that the darker the better. The depth of red is related to the year and technology. More importantly, it is bright. Whether the soup color is transparent and not muddy is the most important. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

如何正确看待六堡茶的红浓陈醇 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

"Thick" refers not to the thickness of taste, but to whether the tea is rich in internal substance, so that the extract is rich. When drunk, the feeling of soup is soft or thick. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

"Chen" means that with the increase of years, the fragrance and rhyme of Chen gradually appear. It means that in the new tea stage, it is impossible to have an indicator of "aging", which can only be found in the excellent middle tea stage and the old tea stage. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

"Alcoholic" means that the taste is clean, free of foreign smells, and gives people a pleasant feeling, which is reflected in the purity of aroma and the mellow taste. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

2、 Not all Liubao teas have the characteristics of red, thick and mellow

To put it bluntly, red thick aged mellow can only represent the flavor characteristics of four dimensions, but Liubao tea is inseparable from objective factors such as technology and year. For example, the traditional craft of Liubao tea, Sheqian tea, autumn tea, etc., are produced by farmers on the same day when they pick them. The degree of fermentation is very light, the soup color is golden yellow, there is no aging process, and it does not have the characteristics of stale fragrance. The typical style and taste of raw tea is very inappropriate to judge these teas with the characteristics of "thick red and mellow old". The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

如何正确看待六堡茶的红浓陈醇 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

In addition, even if the modern craft Liubao tea has reached the standard of "red" soup color, it will not have the characteristics of "old" until the age. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

Therefore, no matter the traditional process or the modern process, we can not simply apply the "red thick aged alcohol" to judge. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

3、 How to judge a tea

Liubao tea has different taste characteristics in different years. For modern processes, such as the new tea stage, you can use the characteristics of red, strong, and mellow to taste. For medium tea and old tea, thanks to the blessing of the year, the characteristics of old fragrance have been possessed, and you can use the characteristics of red, strong, old, and mellow to taste. However, the traditional Liubao tea takes a long time to transform, which is more concentrated and mellow. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

如何正确看待六堡茶的红浓陈醇 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

Therefore, when appreciating whether a tea is good or not, the first thing to bear the brunt is "mellow". No matter what kind of tea, the taste should be clean, free of foreign smells, and the other is "thick". If the internal quality is limited, it means that the tea is ordinary, rich in internal quality, and good in sense of soup, which means that it is good tea. The third is the color of the soup. If it is a new tea, it is normal for the first two teas to be a little turbid, especially with traditional techniques. The last is "Chen". If there is a year, but the fragrance is not obvious, it has something to do with raw materials, processes or storage. Excellent tea presents a complex fragrance with rich levels. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

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  • This article is written by Published on November 28, 2022 07:00:24
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