Why doesn't Liubao tea smell good in rainy days?

A tea friend asked: The same tea had obvious aroma and rich taste when drinking before, but after a period of time, the aroma and taste were much lighter. The water, tea set and technique are all the same. Why is the difference so big? Is the tea broken? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

阴雨天冲泡六堡茶,为什么不香? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

On closer examination, I found that the only difference was the weather. Before, it was sunny and the humidity was low. Later, it was rainy and the humidity was high. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

In fact, this situation is quite common in the south. There is much rain and high humidity in the south, and tea does not perform well in rainy days, which has nothing to do with itself, but with the surrounding environment. Therefore, the environment will affect the taste of tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

阴雨天冲泡六堡茶,为什么不香? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

When the weather or region of tea tasting changes, the performance of tea and people's senses will also change. There are many factors that cause these changes, the most important of which are temperature, humidity and air pressure. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

1) Temperature

The low ambient temperature makes the water temperature easy to drop quickly, which will slow down the release of the substances contained in the tea, and make the tea soup taste weak. At the same time, the tea fragrance is difficult to be aroused because of insufficient water temperature; When the ambient temperature is high, tea drinkers tend to become impatient and difficult to enjoy tea in peace, which interferes with their understanding of the taste of tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

2) Humidity

Tea has a strong adsorption. When the air humidity is high, if the tea leaves are exposed to the air for a certain time, they will absorb the moisture in the air, so the tea soup brewed is easy to carry water flavor, and the taste is not concentrated enough; At the same time, tea fragrance will also be disturbed by moisture and become not high enough. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

阴雨天冲泡六堡茶,为什么不香? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

3) Barometric pressure

Low air pressure will affect the boiling point of water, causing the water temperature not to rise, which will not stimulate the proper aroma and taste of tea soup. This phenomenon is more prominent in plateau areas. In addition, low air pressure will also affect people's sense of smell and taste, making them dull and less sensitive, thus causing deviation in the sense of tea taste. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the problem that tea lovers encounter. When the air humidity is high and the pressure is low in rainy days, the aroma and taste of tea soup will be poor, and people's perception will become insensitive. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

In addition to environmental factors, the physique and mood of tea drinkers at that time will also affect the taste of tea. For example, when burning, you will feel the bitterness is obvious; When you have a cold, you will feel the taste is weak. This is why different people have different experiences when drinking the same tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html

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  • This article is written by Published on November 23, 2022 10:34:44
  • Please keep the link of this article for reprinting: http://www.lbczj.cn/45590.html


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