How to measure the advantages and disadvantages of Liubao tea? Four dimensions for judging the quality of Liubao tea

Liubao tea is a kind of black tea, which belongs to post fermented tea. You can not only drink the freshness of New Year's tea, but also taste the fragrance of old age. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

Then, how to measure the advantages and disadvantages of Liubao tea? Some people say it depends on the year, the older the better, some people say it depends on the technology, and some people say it depends on the taste. Areca is good tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

如何衡量六堡茶的优劣?判断六堡茶的品质的四个维度 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

In fact, the above views are too one-sided. The quality of Liubao tea has something to do with raw materials, technology and storage. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

The following four aspects can measure whether a Liubao tea is excellent. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

Look: the finished product is the most intuitive embodiment, such as the first impression of the same person. The cleanliness and evenness of dry tea, as well as the naturalness and brightness of tea soup. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

如何衡量六堡茶的优劣?判断六堡茶的品质的四个维度 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

Smell: One is whether the dry tea has a strange smell, and the other is to smell the tea soup after it is brewed to see if there is any irritating smell or peculiar smell. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

Q: Learn about the origin of this tea through merchants, such as raw materials, technology, year, storage environment, and if it is an old tea, whether there are some special experiences. Of course, what the merchant said may not be true, but it can be used as a reference. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

Tasting: Through the taste of tea soup, you can feel the thickness of its soup, the changes of its aroma, the intensity of its taste, as well as the charm it brings to you, and whether the body feeling is strong or weak. These should be judged by the taste of the soup. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

如何衡量六堡茶的优劣?判断六堡茶的品质的四个维度 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

The above four points can be used to comprehensively judge the quality of a tea. Of course, it is a long-term process to understand Liubao tea. Different years, different raw materials, different processes, and different storage environments will make the tea taste different. It is suggested that you should try more and compare more, and establish your own evaluation system, so that you can have a better understanding of the whole category of Liubao tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

  The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

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  • This article is written by Published on September 19, 2022 15:45:58
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