Overall summary: How about the dehumidification effect of Liubao tea? Why can it dispel dampness?

[Overview] Many consumers drink Liubao tea for the purpose of removing dampness, but at the same time, they are skeptical: can Liubao tea remove dampness? Why can it dispel dampness? How and how long can I drink to dispel dampness? How about the effect of removing dampness? Today, we answer the above questions one by one to give consumers a comprehensive understanding of the dehumidification effect of Liubao tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

1、 Can Liubao tea dispel dampness?

The dehumidification effect of Liubao tea has a long history and a deep mass base, which is mainly reflected in two aspects. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html


The traditional craft Liubao tea is produced in Liubao Town, Wuzhou, Guangxi. The climate is hot, rainy and humid, and it is a place of miasma. In the era of lack of medicine, Local people use Liubao tea as traditional herbal tea To treat dysentery, dispel dampness and avoid miasma, we still keep this habit until now. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html


In the late Qing Dynasty, a large number of Chinese workers "went to the South" to seek a living, of which the mining areas in Malaysia were the most concentrated. Chinese workers often suffer from heatstroke, rheumatism, dysentery and other endemic diseases due to acclimatization. Liubao tea, which was brought by local people in Guangdong and Guangxi, can just alleviate these symptoms, so it was Chinese workers everywhere regard it as "life-saving tea" The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

全面总结:六堡茶的祛湿效果如何?为什么能祛湿? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

2、 Why can Liubao tea dispel dampness?

The reason why Liubao tea has remarkable dehumidification effect is inseparable from three conditions. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

1. Process

In the process of Wodui fermentation and late aging of Liubao tea, microorganisms are conducive to maintaining the micro ecological balance of gastrointestinal tract, activating probiotics, in other words, it plays a role in regulating the gastrointestinal tract. and, After fermentation, the tea quality of Liubao tea becomes mild Most of the substances that stimulate the stomach have been oxidized. Therefore, Liubao tea is very suitable for people with poor stomach or cold stomach. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

2. Environment

The mountain system of Liubao Town is an extension of the Dagui Mountains in eastern Guangxi. It is rich in mineral nutrients, towering peaks, surrounded by clouds all year round, abundant rain, and high air humidity. Tea trees benefit from high-quality ecological environment, with thick buds, heavy buds and leaves, and good tenderness. In this high humidity environment, It naturally develops the ability to resist moisture and adapt to the environment And laid a good foundation for the formation of the unique quality and style of Liubao tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

3. Flora

When Liubao tea is in a suitable storage environment and aged to a suitable time, with microbial fermentation and oxidation, beneficial bacteria in the tea grow in large numbers, and even produce Diasporangium coronarum, commonly known as "Jinhua". "Jinhua" is rich in various nutrients, which has strong effects of lowering blood fat and blood pressure, regulating carbohydrate metabolism, etc. In simulated gastric juice and simulated intestinal fluid, "Jinhua" is beneficial to the digestion and absorption of starch and protein, improves the intestinal function of human body, and inhibits the degradation and absorption of fat in the digestive system The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

全面总结:六堡茶的祛湿效果如何?为什么能祛湿? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

3、 How to drink to dispel dampness?

After understanding the causes of dampness elimination of Liubao tea, we need to know how to drink it to achieve better results. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

1. Modern craft Liubao tea has better dehumidification effect

Modern craft Liubao tea, after artificial fermentation, is mild, nourishing and protecting the stomach A variety of beneficial bacteria formed during fermentation can improve the intestinal environment and promote metabolism, thus achieving the effect of eliminating dampness. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

2. The longer the age of modern craft Liubao tea, the better the effect

After the aging of Liubao tea, The longer the year, the higher the water extract, the richer the content It has a beneficial protective layer on the stomach, which not only plays the role of nourishing and protecting the stomach, but also has a better effect of removing dampness, so it has a good effect. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

3. Drink in the morning, afternoon and evening

To achieve the effect of dehumidification, you need to develop a good habit of drinking regularly. It is not effective to drink only once a day, even when you think about it. On the premise of having eaten, drink a cup of about 400ml Liubao tea in the morning, afternoon and evening to form a habit. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

全面总结:六堡茶的祛湿效果如何?为什么能祛湿? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

4、 How long can I drink to dispel dampness?

So, how long will it take to get rid of dampness? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

Many people lack exercise, work under too much pressure, and often stay up late, which will affect the digestive function of the intestines and stomach, resulting in water metabolism disorders, and thus the symptoms of heavy moisture. Liubao tea is warm. Drinking it often can warm the stomach and protect the stomach. The body moisture will naturally reduce. As for how long to drink to dispel dampness, it varies from person to person, but one thing is certain that Liubao tea is not a medicine, and it can't make an immediate impact, Must adhere to it for a long time The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

However, when faced with a variety of products, tea lovers do not know which Liubao tea is more suitable for them? At this time, the choice is more favorable to public praise. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

This Zhenwei 312 has obvious dehumidification effect from many tea lovers. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

Aging in 2009, modern technology, rich contents, mellow taste, obvious ginseng fragrance, and good sweetness. Drinking every day for a period of time has obvious health care effect. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

 Overall summary: How about the dehumidification effect of Liubao tea? Why can it dispel dampness? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

5、 How about the effect of removing dampness?

Finally, based on the feedback from tea friends, how about the dehumidification effect of Liubao tea? The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

Tea friend Ziyu Teyuan said, "I have been drinking Liubao for five or six years, It can obviously regulate my gastrointestinal function The stomach and intestines are more comfortable than before. It's delicious to eat. " The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

Tea friend 318 cut wood and said:“ Obvious catharsis effect Several friends have the same feeling. " The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

Tea friend Sky Fish said: "There is still some moisture removing effect. I used to be unable to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. I always looked like I couldn't wake up. After drinking Liubao tea for more than three years, I felt lighter and better. Of course, this is a long-term process." The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

Tea friend cbz said, "I felt a little cold at lunch today, and I felt flatulence in my intestines and stomach. After drinking two cups of hot tea, I felt intestinal peristalsis, and the effect was too obvious." The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

It can be seen that the dehumidification effect of Liubao tea has not been achieved overnight, but has its formation mechanism. At the same time, it has also received market feedback. As long as it is drunk regularly and for a long time, the dehumidification effect will always be reflected. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

  The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea- http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html

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  • This article is written by Published on March 8, 2019 11:25:10
  • Please keep the link of this article for reprinting: http://www.lbczj.cn/26542.html


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