The theme of the 7th Guangxi Garden Expo Wuzhou Exhibition Garden is "Liubao Tea is mellow and beautiful in Wuzhou"

The 7th Guangxi Garden Expo will be held in Chongzuo City in the near future. At present, the construction of Wuzhou Exhibition Park has entered the final stage. The design theme of this Wuzhou Exhibition Garden is "Liubao tea is mellow and beautiful in Wuzhou". The elements of Liubao tea run through the landscape from beginning to end, displaying the historical culture and quality characteristics of Liubao tea. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

It is understood that this Wuzhou Exhibition Garden is located in the northwest of Chongzuo Garden Expo Garden, the northeast is close to the main ring road of the Garden Expo Garden, the west and south are connected to the landscape road of the Garden Expo Garden, respectively adjacent to Hezhou Garden, Guigang Garden and Liuzhou Garden, with a total land area of 6761.5 m2. According to the planning and design, there are six major landscapes and six minor landscapes in the exhibition park, including the Tea Scent Pavilion, Tea tasting Pavilion, Screen Wall, Tea Garden, Flower Racks and Bamboo Garden. Mingxiang Pavilion and Pingming Pavilion are two simple and elegant garden buildings with regional characteristics of Wuzhou. They are located at the highest and second highest points of the exhibition garden, serving as the viewing platform and the gallery exhibition hall to show the history, culture and production technology of Liubao tea. The bamboo garden is located behind the tea tasting pavilion. With bamboo as the element and sunshade and tea set, it is arranged as a simple and elegant tea tasting space. Flower trellis is a mountaineering channel connecting two garden buildings. It combines green plants with paintings and brochures related to Liubao tea to form an interesting integration of garden landscape and Liubao tea culture display. The tea garden is located on the hillside. Gardenia jasminoides, red leaf heather and grey jasmine are planted as belt shaped tea trees, interspersed with tall and straight trees. The screen wall is set at the main entrance, with the sculpture of the "Ancient Tea Boat Road" as the node element, and the water drop landscape combined with a group of tea pot and cup sculptures at the gate, as well as tea pot green plants, forming a main scenic area of the park. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

第七届广西园博会梧州展园以”六堡茶醇 醉美梧州”为建设主题 The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

Aerial view of the 7th Guangxi Garden Expo Wuzhou Exhibition Garden The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

The exhibition garden is surrounded by flowing water and the mountain scenery is interesting. The designer has designed many small landscape nodes, such as curved bridge, stream water fall, mountain climbing and stone folding, and moon cave gate, to connect each large landscape area. Plant varieties and planting methods are combined and designed by the reasonable combination of flowers, trees and shrubs, aquatic plants, and the spatial layout of multiple shapes and levels, Form an overall garden landscape with rich gardening techniques. The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

The relevant person in charge of the municipal administration and garden administration said that the Wuzhou exhibition garden was planned, designed and constructed by the city of Chongzuo, the host city of this garden expo, and our city would supervise and coordinate to promote the work progress and ensure the construction quality. Up to now, the exhibition garden has completed the construction of the surface layer of the cultural stones of the stream water fall, the construction of the main square steps, the planting of aquatic plants in the water system and local greening in the garden, as well as the outdoor, indoor, roof paving and decoration of the Tea Pavilion and the Tea Pavilion, which has completed 95% of the overall image progress. The whole project can be completed in the near future. (Liang Ping and Jiang Jing) The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

The article originates from the Baojia Liubao Tea-

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  • Copyright Notice This article originates from Wuzhou Daily Organized and published on December 4, 2015 17:26:44
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