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What should I do if I say a question when talking about the question card in the oral exam? If you have answered partial questions, then this score may not be particularly ideal, because it has violated [...]

What should I do if I say a question when talking about the question card in the oral exam?

If you have answered a partial question, then this score may not be particularly ideal, because it has violated the essence of oral expression - to express clear ideas.

We know that, Spoken IELTS The on-site preparation time for the topic card is only 1 minute (some examiners may actually only give about 50s of time), and then we will begin to state the relevant content on the topic card, which is very likely for the new roast duck entering the IELTS examination room to feel that he has deviated from the topic card when he said so. What should we do?

First of all, if you feel that your answers are wrong when you express your views, please look at the tips on the topic card immediately, and you won't worry about your content deviation according to the tips.

However, sometimes it is not our lack of ideas, but the psychological fluctuations that lead to the development of the market. One didn't finish reciting GSL Glossary When people go to take the IELTS oral test, there will definitely be a lack of words, not to mention the gap caused by the short circuit of thinking and tension. Then, for this kind of roast duck, I suggest that you should first lay a solid foundation for the notional grammar before taking the exam. It's called no fight without preparation.

Later, I will also talk about how to deal with the question and answer session of P3, which is the most difficult for IELTS to grasp, and how to prevent your answers from inadvertently deviating. Please keep an eye on the Old Roast Duck website.

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What should I do if I have answered a partial question in the IELTS Speaking Topic Card? Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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