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Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Can I take the computer test at home? A new roast duck is going to take the IELTS computer test. He came to ask such a question [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 3000 Q&A Series: Can I take the computer test at home?

A new roast duck was going to take the IELTS computer test, and came to ask such a question. In this question and answer column, the old duck editor felt it was necessary to further popularize the IELTS computer test for more new examinees, hoping to help more students who had such doubts and planned to take the IELTS computer test.

Although the computer based IELTS test is essentially a computer based IELTS test, the IELTS official did not allow candidates to sit at home and use their own computers to take the IELTS test when organizing the test. This is similar to the Take the IELTS indicator at home It's a completely different concept. Perhaps because the authorities want to ensure the preciseness of the IELTS test, they do not allow candidates to take the test at home. After all, at home, everyone is very familiar with the activity space, and the computer control is not completely in the IELTS official, which will lead to related examination questions.

At present, IELTS examiners have set up in major cities across the country IELTS Computer Test Center The environment of the examination site can be said to be quite good. There are air conditioners and dust-free environments. You can take the IELTS computer test in peace of mind in summer or cold winter.

In short, the IELTS computer test ≠ at home.

The above is a detailed answer to the question "Can I take the IELTS test at home?" I hope it can help you.

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
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Can I take the IELTS test at home Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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