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Is there more modifier in IELTS listening? Some students will find a strange phenomenon when they are doing IELTS listening. Sometimes the answer given at the back of the book has no modifier before the noun [...]

Do you deduct scores for multiple modifiers in IELTS listening

Some students are doing IELTS Listening I will find a strange phenomenon. Sometimes the answers given at the back of the book do not have modifiers in front of nouns, but sometimes they do, and sometimes they are bracketed. For example, only guest, (formal) garden and river. If only one word is given in the following answer, will my score be deducted if I write more modifiers?

The answer is that as long as the number of words specified in the title is not exceeded, there will be no penalty for writing an additional modifier. At present, the number of words required for most blank filling questions in IELTS listening is one word and/or a number, that is, only one word can be written in the blank. In this case, adding more modifiers in front of the noun will result in the deduction of points because it does not meet the requirements of the title.

However, if the title you see requires you to write no more than two words for each answer, then the little editor of Roast Duck recommends that you write as long as there are modifiers in front of nouns. According to the rules summarized by the editor himself according to various listening answers, if the modifier can restrict the following nouns, it must be taken, otherwise the score will be deducted, such as only guest. However, if the meaning of the modifier is not clear, it can be taken with or without, such as formal garden. But because we don't have time to distinguish in the exam, it's still the best.

The above is a detailed answer to "Do you deduct scores for more modifiers in IELTS listening?" I hope it will be helpful to you. More learning content about IELTS can visit the official website of Old Roast Duck anytime and anywhere for self-study. At the same time, you are also welcome to follow the old roast duck public account (WeChat search "old roast duck") to obtain exclusive first-hand test preparation materials and test information. I wish everyone a smooth IELTS preparation!

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