2021USNEWS The ranking list of nursing doctoral programs in American universities was released recently, US News, an American higher education evaluation institution, announced that it is within the United States [...]

2021USNEWS ranking list of nursing doctoral programs in American universities

Recently, US News, an American higher education evaluation institution, released the ranking list of nursing doctoral programs in the United States. Old Roast Duck sorted out the specific contents of this ranking, hoping to help more candidates who are planning to apply for doctorates in nursing in the United States.

According to the ranking list, the doctoral nursing program of Columbia University and the doctoral nursing program of Washington University rank first in the United States. In the third place is the nursing doctoral program of Johns Hopkins University.

The following is the list of top 25 nursing doctoral programs in the United States:

#1. Columbia University( Columbia University IELTS requires Columbia University to explain in detail

#1. (Side by side) University of Washington( What is the score of IELTS of Washington University

#3. Johns Hopkins University

#4. Duke University( Duke University IELTS Requirements

#5. Vanderbilt University

#6. University of Illinois – Chicago

#7. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

#8. Emory University

#8. Ohio State University

#8. Rush University

#8. University of Pittsburgh

#12. Case Western Reserve University

#13. University of Michigan Ann Arbor

#14. Rutgers University Newark

#14. University of Iowa

#16. University of Maryland Baltimore

#17. University of Virginia

#17. Yale University

#19. New York University (Myers)

#19. University of Alabama – Birmingham

#21. University of Minnesota Twin Cities

#22. University of Texas Health Science Center Houston

#22. University of Utah

#24. University of Texas Austin

#25. Oregon Health and Science University

#25. Unified Services University of the Health Sciences

View complete: 2021 US NEWS Ranking List of Graduate Schools of American Universities

The above is the detailed information about the "2021USNEWS American University Doctor of Nursing Program Ranking List". For more information about college applications and language scores preparation, please visit the official website of Roast Duck at any time and follow the official account of Roast Duck to obtain exclusive preparation resources.

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2021USNEWS ranking list of nursing doctoral programs of American universities is released: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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