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Xiong Ling: Let Love Out of Dream

Author: Xiong Ling Time: January 26, 2008 Views: 2507

Xi is a beautiful senior student who always asks for advice because she is unhappy. At her 21st consultation, she began to interpret dreams. I am very pleased with Xi's understanding of dreams and her deep understanding of dreams and dreams. "Let love out of dreams" is what Xi said.


(1) Dream narrated by Xi


For the first time, I remember such a clear dream. Last night I dreamt that I was playing by the river with a foreign male classmate who seemed to be my classmate. He jumped from me, and I jumped from him, having fun. Not far from us, a middle-aged foreign woman was looking at the water. A fish burst out of the river and hit the woman in the face. She looks indifferent and happy.


I walked towards a mountain, which gave me a sense of depression. I often dreamed of mountains, which gave me a bad feeling. When passing a path, I saw a man's corpse, which seemed to be the classmate playing with me. I was afraid, thinking about how to bypass the road with a man's body. After walking around, I seemed to walk to the classroom of the school. As I walked, I saw a newly built house in front of me. After I went in, I saw a lot of policemen, who were measuring with rulers. I think what they are doing is related to the male corpse outside.

For me, who knows Xi, I am not surprised by the strangeness of this dream. I am glad that this dream at this time is an excellent opportunity for the dreamer to see and understand himself at a deeper level.


I want to let Xi learn to communicate with her subconscious (the language of dreams) by analyzing the prototype and symbolic meaning of psychology. When Qian hasn't been asked to associate the dream image or provide daily information before dreaming, she only tells her that dreams are a person's inner reality. A dream is like a self portrait, which shows the voice and face of the dreamer; A dream is also like an article or a story, which expresses the dreamer's speculation around a theme, or reveals the desire depression of the dreamer's subconscious, or fear or inferiority or hatred.

Xi was surprised. If she found out, she asked: Is a dream a self portrait, a self written article? Very interesting. Can I understand that the scene of a dream is just a picture, and the story description of a dream is like reading the whole article? Every dream is a section of the article?

I'm sure: Yes. You just need to translate the whole dream into vernacular with symbolic meaning.

(2) Xi's interpretation of dreams


If this dream is said to be an article written by myself, the theme should be "love". The scene I played with my male classmates by the river was just talking about love. But I don't understand why he is foreign?


River and water are symbols of feelings or love. Fish is also a symbol of love or sex. The fish jumped out of the water and hit the middle-aged woman in the face, which is a kind of love and intimacy. Middle aged women accept this kind of love very much. I don't understand what middle-aged foreign women mean to me?


Mountain, corresponding to water, should be? Mountains and rivers connect, symbolizing love. The river in the dream should refer to women, and the mountain should refer to men. The sense of oppression that the mountain gives me means that men give me depression? Oh, I should say that I am very depressed when I approach the opposite sex. In reality, I really reject the opposite sex and seldom contact the opposite sex.


There is a male corpse on the path of the mountain. It is the classmate who played with me. Does this not mean that my love is dead? Does it mean that if I talk about love, the other person will die? Why did he die? To bypass the path with male corpses means that I should avoid and escape love? I can't talk about love yet? (Xi analyses that she is very sad at this time and says a lot of depressed words.).


School and classroom are the places where I learn knowledge. They symbolize my maturity and rationality. What does the newly built house symbolize me? You once said, "If you want to try to get rid of your bad house (a metaphor for bad me), it's better to try to build a new house (a metaphor for good me)", which impressed me deeply. I also try to do so. I think the new house in my dream should be a new starting point for me, or my love home? Many policemen in the house symbolize my rationality and excessive rationality. They are warning me what I have done wrong and what is it? Measuring with a ruler shows that I have too many rules in mind, and that my excessive rationality is too harsh on me?


I agree with Xi's explanation. I asked her to think again, what is the practical significance of this dream for her? In another analysis, she said:


I think I understand myself. I also found that I had been living in an illusory relationship. The truth of this dream tells me that my unhappiness in reality is the reflection of my inner conflicts.


I want to fall in love but dare not. I have a high school boyfriend who has always been very good to me and I have a good impression of him. But I kept avoiding him. I always avoid interpersonal communication because I am afraid that others will dislike me if they find my weakness. I can only envy others in my heart. My personality is not good. I cry and lose my temper. My boyfriend is afraid that after falling in love, he will think I am bad tempered and hate me, and then dump me. It's better not to talk about love.


My mother always said to me, "You are too stingy. Who would like to make friends with a stingy guy. Because I hate my personality and my cautious temper.


I realized that it was my "fear of others hating myself" that bound me and made me unhappy. When I was young, I was sad because my parents hated me, because they liked my cousin and hated me. Since I was young, I felt inferior. Now I know very well that my parents have always loved me, but I always have a problem in my heart. It seems that I am living in a self righteous illusion. I don't know whether others hate me. I carved it when I was young. You have a strange temper! penny pincher! What a nuisance! These "bad me" talk in the bottom of my heart, making me always feel that others treat me as a nuisance. I learned the word "bad me" from you. It really made me see some problems. It turns out that when I interact with others, I always want to suppress the "bad me" for fear that others will look down on me and ignore me. I am afraid that others will see the "bad me" I hate at a glance. It should be said that it is the "nuisance" I insist on that makes me unhappy.


The dream told me that I really want to fall in love, perhaps, with that high school classmate. But there are too many rules and worries in my heart. It's the "bad self" that doesn't allow me to have desires. Should I admit boldly that I love someone very much? I'm going to fall in love? Should I refuse my mother's admonition and fall in love with my bad temper? Whether to be brave

Dare to say to yourself: reduce the number of policemen in your heart, love yourself more, and really love others, let love go out of your dreams?

Xi's understanding of herself and the "yes" and "no" raised by her reflect her introspection after talking with the subconscious (dream) beautifully.         



(3) The author's subjective analysis of love dreams

The following is my unilateral supplementary analysis of Xi's dream, which can be regarded as a theoretical dream interpretation.


1) Xi's dream of "love" is exactly the dream of "the realization and disillusionment of love's desire".


2) The foreign male classmate in the dream is the opposite sex type that the dreamer likes, and is the archetypal image of Arimus she loves. Foreign countries have strange and distant intentions. Therefore, the male classmate in the dream can only be the object image of the dreamer's subject, not the high school boyfriend or others in reality. Love is a distant dream of Xi. The dream of being dear to her boyfriend is the subconscious realization of Xi's love desire, which compensates for her conscious desire for love.


3) The foreign middle-aged woman in the dream, the rational or mature part of the middle-aged dreamer, the foreign intention is exclusive, strange and distant, which represents the dreamer's rejection of self rationality, revealing the conflict between the dreamer's acceptance of love and rejection of love. In the dream, a middle-aged woman accepted sex, cleverly avoided her own shyness of lust, or used the metaphor "if I were as mature as her, I would also have sex" to release my repression of lust.


4) The male corpse in the dream, Xi said, is the death symbolizing love. It can also symbolize: the rigidity of the dreamer's concept of sex, and the dreamer's fear of accepting the feelings of the opposite sex. Because the dream expressed "a male corpse" rather than "a dead person" several times, the difference between zombie and dead person is that corpse means material, rigid and solidified, and death means destruction, destruction and destruction. In combination with the dreamer's reality and lack of love experience, she does not have the fear of losing love. Therefore, the "male corpse" reveals that she is full of longing for love, but afraid of the sudden disappearance of love. The deep implication of the "male corpse" is that the dreamer clings to the concept of "I'm not good", like a solid iceberg, which stops her view and behavior of love, so that she can only love in illusion, And fear of love failure in fantasy.


5) Xi's explanation of the final scene of her dream is profound. "There are too many rules in my heart that restrict my happiness, and whether I should reduce the inner police" is an important awakening of her willingness to accept herself.


When people are touched by their experience, there is no better time to reflect their professional values. While enjoying the narcissistic happiness, I sincerely wish Xi a happy growth!


6) Xi's dream and what Xi understands as "letting love go out of the dream" are individual dreams with common characteristics. Many of us are worried or unhappy. If it is because of our bad temper, it is more because of our sensitive, suspicious and self abased personality characteristics, and because of the "bad self" that has always been reserved in our hearts. No matter what makes people have a bad temper or bad self, people seem to have an instinct to drive their efforts to pursue a good self in order to eliminate the "bad self". Unfortunately, this persistent effort will blind people's eyes, so that they can't see clearly that they have divided the whole me into two parts. While trying to drive away the "bad me", they also drive away the "good me", so that he never thinks he is good, nor believes that he can be liked.


To get out of the pain, the parties need to voluntarily open themselves to new areas, be able to observe themselves without trial, and understand whether they are punishing themselves in a harsh and exploitative way. Those "bad" are not only human limitations, but also a part of human itself. If you hate it and criticize it, it will also hate you and fight with you. If you admit it and tolerate it, it will be influenced by your kindness and become your friend. This is called integrating different selves in your heart to make your heart harmonious. Just like Xi, I should introspect myself first: reduce the inner police, remove the shackles of the bad self label, and let love go out of the dream.


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