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Some second-generation ID cards are about to expire. The police remind the public to change their cards in time
July 22, 2014 13:20:30 Source: Leju Kunshan Website Click:

According to the municipal public security bureau, from this year, some second-generation ID cards valid for 10 years will expire in succession. Kunshan police remind the general public not to ignore the renewal date because of the long time, so as not to affect their normal work and life after the expiration of ID cards.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, when the second generation of ID cards were issued in 2004, the certificates issued by citizens aged 16 to 26 were valid for 10 years. This batch of people were mainly between 26 and 36 years old. The reporter learned from relevant departments that since July, the number of citizens handling ID card business at various police stations has been increasing.

"Since the second generation ID cards were handled in 2005, the peak of card renewal is likely to last for half a year," the police told reporters.

Mr. Ma, who went to the Changjiang Police Station to change his ID card, told the reporter that his ID card was handled in December 2004. In order not to affect his ticket purchase during the "National Day" holiday, he chose to change his ID card in advance. "I also checked my ID card by accident, only to find that my ID card was about to expire. Otherwise, I would not have noticed this," Mr. Ma said.

Remind that non local registration needs to be returned to the place of residence

Kunshan police remind that when changing for a new ID card, citizens need to bring their household registration book and old ID card to the local police station where their household registration is located. Since last year, fingerprint information has been added to the second generation ID cards. Therefore, citizens who come to exchange their ID cards must come in person to collect fingerprints.

After the review, photo taking, acceptance, receipt and other procedures, citizens can come to get a new ID card 20 working days later. It costs 20 yuan to change the ID card.

In addition, in order to ensure the security of citizens' identity information, citizens who come to receive new identity cards need to check their fingerprint information again, so they must also go there in person. Non local people need to return to their registered permanent residence to apply for a new ID card.

If the ID card is lost, the citizens of the city who need to apply for a new ID card can go to the local police station where their household registration is located, and the cost is 40 yuan.

Related hot word search: police ID a citizen

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