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[Character] Wang Shi: As a chairman, you should grasp three things
April 25, 2014 11:08:25 Source: Zhenghe Island Click:

Wang Shi described the process of mountaineering as dissatisfaction with the status quo, curiosity, and exploration of the future. Because you are faced with such an unknown, whether you want to go or not, even if you know you can't come back, whether you want to go or not reflects a spirit.

Wang Shi described the process of mountaineering as dissatisfaction with the status quo, curiosity, and exploration of the future. Because you are faced with such an unknown, whether you want to go or not, even if you know you can't come back, whether you want to go or not reflects a spirit. However, As a chairman, we need to grasp three things: the first is strategic decision-making, the second is employment, and the third is responsibility.


In the 1980s, I was hungry for books

Wang Shi was most hungry for reading in the 1980s. As a result of his arrival in Shenzhen in 1983, Wang Shi was able to obtain a lot of foreign books from Hong Kong. He was more involved in literature, history and philosophy, not Hong Kong translation, but Taiwan translation. "In a sense, we often say that the Renaissance is actually the humanistic renaissance. The Renaissance is only a part of the humanistic renaissance, and more people come out from the so-called domination of God. How can we liberate them? First, we should enlighten and educate people, and really feel the pleasure of reading."

Wang Shi also revealed his way to search for books as a fan. "In the past, buying books was in Hong Kong. After 1987, it became active in China. By the 1990s, many books had been available in the mainland, especially in the academic field. There was no need to buy books in Taiwan and Hong Kong." Wang Shi was most grateful to three bookstores. The first two were in Beijing, namely Fengyusong and Wansheng Bookpark, and the other was Shanghai Jifeng Bookpark. Wang Shi expressed his respect for these bookstores.

He thought that it would be a pity if these bookstores that adhere to culture could not survive because of the rent problem.

Success is more about trial and error

Wang Shi was repeatedly asked about his understanding of success and failure. Taking his own personal experience as an example, he said, "I have been trying and making mistakes since 1983 in Shenzhen. I have been making mistakes all the time. I once said, what is a smart person? Smart people will never make the same mistake again, because in the market, there may be no such opportunity to make the same mistake again. You may make new mistakes after you correct them. This is my summary of myself. What is an ever victorious general? Your victory accounts for 51% and your defeat accounts for 49%. You can't lose more than you win. There is no ever victorious general. We usually judge heroes by their success or failure after the event, so in fact, the process you see more often is trial and error. "

How to view success and failure? Wang Shi believes that there is a problem of mentality. "I think we should endure to a certain level. Success or failure is a result. It is a process, no matter success or failure. Follow the goal in your heart, and you think I will do so. Even if you don't succeed, you will not regret if you try your best, because human life is limited and won't give you so many opportunities. Some people will ask themselves, why didn't I try it when I was young? Many people later regret it. There is no regret medicine in life, so the most important thing is how to do it. Maybe they cared about it very much at that time, but later they thought it was a thing of the past. But if you didn't work hard, you will regret it. "

Life is much more complicated than mountaineering

Wang Shi described the process of mountaineering as dissatisfaction with the status quo, curiosity, and exploration of the future. Because you are faced with such an unknown, whether you want to go or not, even if you know you can't come back, whether you want to go or not reflects a spirit. From ancient Rome to the Middle Ages, to modern times, what prompted us to land on the moon and develop spacecraft to explore Mars. In fact, this process is the same as the process of mountaineering. "The problem is that mountaineering is just a physical mountain. In retrospect, how should you spend your life? Because the risk of mountaineering is in front of you, you can't go, but life is much more complicated than this."

Wang Shi pointed out that, in fact, as long as you have such an unconvinced heart and are not willing to be mediocre, you will definitely pass


The following are the highlights of Wang Shi's questions and answers at the Reading Sharing Meeting of "The Story of the Roman" jointly held by CITIC Academy, Jifeng Academy and the EMBA Reading Club of Jiaotong University on April 4:

Q: I want to ask Mr. Wang Shi. In your preface, you said that freedom and tolerance are the foundation of the Roman Empire, and tolerance for failure is also the key to national prosperity. When I saw here, I thought that in today's society, winning or losing, and judging heroes by success or failure have become a very important part of our own cultural genes, which has brought about a kind of collective anxiety and constraints on creativity. I think that there is something behind me and our enterprise. So I want to ask, do you think you have enough tolerance for possible failure? And do you have such tolerance for your enterprise? What advice do you have for students like me who are trying to come out of this anxiety and especially hope to have this kind of true tolerance?

Wang Shi: Speaking of failure and success, from my experience, since I came to Shenzhen in 1983, it is actually a process of trial and error. What does it mean? Always making mistakes - I once said, what is a smart person? Smart people never make the same mistake again, because in terms of business, there may be no such opportunity to make the same mistake again. After you correct it, you may make new mistakes, which is my summary. Of course, you said that you are always making mistakes and you are not successful. Of course, you don't need to worry anymore. So what is an ever victorious general? You can't lose more than you win if you win 51 and you lose 49. There is no ever victorious general. Generally, people's evaluation is after the event, because if you succeed, it depends on how tenacious you are when you fail. If you fail, how can you stay here? We judge heroes by their success or failure. In fact, when you look at the process, it is trial and error.

Secondly, there is a question of mentality about your success and failure. I think to endure to a certain level, success or failure is a result, whether you really succeed or fail, it is a process, so follow your heart's goal, and you think "I will do this". Even if you don't succeed, you won't regret if you try your best, because people's life is limited and they won't give you so many opportunities. Oh, why didn't I try it when I was young? You find that many people regret it later, and there is no regret in life, so the most important thing is how to do it. Maybe you care about it very much at that time, and later you think it is a thing of the past. But if you don't work hard, you will regret it. This is the second point I want to say.

Third, in terms of management, do you tolerate the failure of others? As a chairman, I have three things to grasp. First, your enterprise's strategic decision. For example, in Shanghai, Vanke's Western Suburb Garden is very famous, because it is a project launched by Vanke in 1993 under the air route. Now the density of aircraft has increased. One plane every three minutes. What is the status of the garden now? The occupancy rate is 95%, and the residents from more than 20 countries live in 27000 under the roar of aircraft, so it is a very famous project. Of course, when it comes to this, all of them are Vanke. How boldly and boldly our chairman is, and his boldness and boldness is to dare to build under the roar of the aircraft, and he can tell many stories. Is that true? It's true, but is it a successful case? No, this is a failure case. Why? That's the wrong place. Do you think it's successful? It is successful, but how many resources Vanke has used to support it now. I felt that the decision was right at that time, because you were right on the whole, so now I see that the wrong ones are also right, not only good, but also a holy halo. A real entrepreneur needs to make a decision first. Your first decision is wrong. If you make two wrong decisions in a row, the company's resources cannot support you, and it may be doomed. Why did you just say 49 and 51.

Second, because management is more about employing people, of course, as you said, you make mistakes and now you know, Ouch, Mr. Wang seems very sincere. How do you treat others? In fact, the third thing is to make strategic decisions, employ people and take responsibility. What is taking responsibility? As long as he makes mistakes, he will take responsibility. Why? Because this person is for you, it means that you are careless and wrong. Maybe he is not suitable. Second, even though they are very capable, they can't do this. What do you think is the general situation? Generally speaking, I trust you in this matter. You have made mistakes. How dare I use you? It was already wrong. If I do this again, he will be ashamed. First, I will knock off half of his self-confidence, and then say that I am wrong. If you are wrong, this matter must be explained. This matter should not be done, and no one can make mistakes. Second, if you feel that he is not suitable for you, you should change him. That is the matter. So you should not be intolerant of the following. You must bear the mistakes.

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