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No meat, no pleasure
2018-12-10 16:05:50 Source: Kunshan Daily Click:

No meat, no pleasure

In winter, people sitting at the table feel that they can only enjoy eating meat from time to time. At present, there are many stores in Kunshan that specialize in meat and vegetables. Some of them inherit the classic taste, some of them transport ingredients from other places, and some of them secretly make various recipes, which make customers happy. Let's have a look. Kunshan's "meat eaters" should go to eat somewhere in winter.

Sea Dragon King Donkey Meat and Snow Beef

Making side ovens is common for many food items. It is a famous dish with good taste, taste and taste, and belongs to the Cantonese cuisine. As a traditional way of eating in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, it is similar to hot pot in the north. Generally speaking, the traditional Cantonese style edging stove is usually based on stock soup, with various seafood, game and delicacies, and is matched with the special secret sata sauce. However, the Sea Dragon King we are going to introduce today has created an unusual taste.

The Dragon King does not need to introduce too much. He is a master of Jianghu cuisine. His family's cuisine does not have too many fancy decorations. He pays attention to the combination of materials, flavors, innovation and techniques. He believes that even the most experienced diners will have surprises and return satisfied after eating. Its side boiler is different from the general one in that it matches donkey meat and snow beef with the side boiler.

Donkey meat is praised as "dragon meat on the top, donkey meat on the bottom", because the content of unsaturated fatty acids in donkey meat, especially the content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid with high biological value, is far higher than that of pork and beef. Hailong King's donkey meat edging stove uses the most elite donkey belly meat. The meat is compact and elastic. When you bite off the donkey skin, it is elastic and soft. The donkey meat is fresh and tender. It is more flavorful with soup dip; Snow beef comes from the most essential part of beef. It has obvious red and white characteristics, similar to marbling, attractive fragrance, much higher nutritional value than ordinary beef, and is delicious and inexpensive. It is a dish with a high order rate in the store.

Tianshan Impression Hand made Mutton Shashlik

The barbecue of Tianshan Impression is a kind of food integrating taste and vision, which has changed the form of traditional barbecue. The charcoal stove is moved to the front of the diners, and the food can be fried and roasted on a customized rotating charcoal fire oven about half a meter long, so that you can enjoy the fun of cooking yourself. Different from ordinary roadside barbecue shops, the shop owners have very high requirements for the quality of food materials. The mutton used in the store is from the five month old lamb in Xinjiang Tianshan Pasture. Even the most inconspicuous barbecue dip is ground according to the traditional Xinjiang method to ensure the perfect match of meat and seasoning.

Xinjiang can be said to be the origin of Chinese barbecue, where has the most original flavor of barbecue - red willow barbecue. The aroma of red willow barbecue goes without saying. Roasting with red willow branches, it adds a bit of tree fragrance and wild charm, and does not need any complex seasoning. A handful of crude salt and some pepper cumin can be fresh, which is more authentic. When watching the fresh red willow clusters from a close distance, the flames dance with the turning of the automatic charcoal burner, and the oil drops onto the hot charcoal, making a sound of "pricking", the normally reserved people will change their proud nature and rub their hands in anticipation. The high temperature of hundreds of degrees Celsius stimulates the most essential flavor of the food, and saliva can not be suppressed to surge. After waiting for 3 to 5 minutes, a perfect roasted red willow skewer will appear in front of the diners. The mutton is fragrant on the outside and tender on the inside, with delicate taste. With the special cumin seasoning, the mutton's mutton smell will be reduced and the delicacy will be upgraded.

Shengji Cantonese Delicious Pigeon

When it comes to Cantonese restaurants in Kunshan, victory should be the first choice for many people.

This restaurant, which was opened in 2006, is an inheritance of classic Cantonese cuisine at a glance. The dishes in the store are selected in good faith, all of which are transported by air from all over the country, and the cooking is exquisite. Chen Weidong, a famous chef who has been engaged in Cantonese food production for more than 20 years and has won the title of "Ningbo Top Ten Famous Chefs" and the "Gold Award of Guangzhou Food Festival", is employed to cook, just to provide guests with the highest enjoyment on the tip of the tongue.

The most famous dish in the store is "delicious baby pigeon". Once launched in Kunshan, this classic Cantonese dish has been the leader in the food circle for 12 years, and has become a must for many people to order. According to reports, the delicious baby pigeons cooked by Shengji are all young pigeons within one month of age. Because the young pigeons have just been born, and their eyes have not yet opened, they cannot fly and hunt freely, and they can only survive by feeding. The young pigeons in this period are fresh and tender, and have a strong nourishing effect. After the chef's skilful steps of watering, air drying and baking, the golden yellow fresh pigeon has just come out of the oven. Its skin is thin but not greasy. The crispy skin bites open with its own sound effect. The meat of the pigeon is soft and juicy. It slowly flows out of the tip of the tongue and has a hot taste. Because the bones have not been calcified yet, the mouth is extremely fragrant. A gentle break will open the crispy skin and overflow the gravy. The fragrance of the tender pigeon meat is really unbearable. It is called crispy meat, juicy, and crispy skin. It is worth tasting.

New Yintong Restaurant Wangshi Sugar free Braised Pork

Wang Jianxin, the leader of Xinyintong, is a senior catering person. Over the years, he has been pursuing and advocating the exploration of traditional Chinese food, and has the courage to instill his understanding of cooking into the dishes launched by the restaurant. He has accumulated his understanding of cooking over the years, whether it is carefully selected ingredients, ingenious cooking techniques, or the names of delicacies full of texture and cultural atmosphere.

Wang Shi's sugar free braised pork is one of its innovative delicacies. Wang Shi is the abbreviation of Wang Jianxin Chef. Sugar free highlights the health of dishes. This braised pork is selected from the best streaks of pork, washed, cut into mahjong pieces, and then cut ginger into slices and onion into sections. Pour oil into the pan. When the oil is cool, add onion, ginger, cinnamon, grass fruit, anise and other ingredients to stir fry until fragrant. Then add pork and stir until the oil comes out. Pour in soy sauce, soy sauce and salt, stir fry for 5 minutes, then pour in boiling water, the amount of water should be less than the meat noodles, boil it, skim the foam, and finally simmer for about 1 hour on low heat, when it is almost out of the pot, adjust it to high heat for juice collection. In this way, the braised meat is crisp but not rotten, fat but not greasy, and melts in the mouth. Because there is no sugar, it is a delicious food for all ages. Former basketball player Tang Zhendong and actor Hou Yong were guests of the hotel.

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