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Kunshan Bacheng Old Street
2014-02-18 09:27:25 Source: Data sorting Click:

Bacheng Old Street is located in Bacheng Town, Kunshan City, beside Yangcheng Lake. The prototype of Bacheng Old Street is Bacheng Market, which began in the Song Dynasty. The old street of Bacheng was built in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, with a total length of 200 meters from east to west. The street is narrow and only allows three people to walk side by side.


Bacheng Old Street is located in Bacheng Town, Kunshan City, beside Yangcheng Lake. The prototype of Bacheng Old Street is Bacheng Market, which began in the Song Dynasty. The old street of Bacheng was built in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, with a total length of 200 meters from east to west. The street is narrow, and only three people can walk side by side. In order to make full use of the space, the eaves of the houses and shops on both sides are pulled out to the middle, making the old street more narrow. Therefore, the old streets of Bacheng have the nickname of "Yixiantian". The old street is surrounded by water on all sides. No matter which direction you enter from, you have to cross the bridge. At the same time, it is embraced by five lakes, which is a unique scenic spot in Bacheng.


The architectural style of the old streets in Bacheng is mainly "Su style". The houses stand beside the water, facing the street and the river, with white walls and black tiles, and the stone banks are mottled; The river ports are well arranged, the river water is clear, and the boats in the river are shuttling. It is a beautiful Jiangnan water town style. Even now, there are still many buildings of the Republic of China on the old street, and you can occasionally see the shadow of the buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Behind these ancient buildings, there are countless legends.

Green flagstone street, secluded ancient lane, simple shops... When you walk into the old street, you will deeply feel that the impetuous urban life is receding here, and the pressure of life is forgotten here. At this time, you will find that the existence of the old street not only retains the cultural heritage, but also retains the yearning for the farming society in the hearts of modern cities. Although this kind of life prospect has gone, it is impossible to return. It is because it is gone forever that people are nostalgic. Immersion in the old street makes it possible for you to daydream about the truth of life in "half day leisure".

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