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Lu Jiabang Drummer and Jia Xie Bridge
10:31:00, October 16, 2017 Source: Kunshan Daily Click:

Lu Jiabang Drummer and Jia Xie Bridge

During the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin army invaded, and the war raged.

One day, people in Lujiabang heard that Han Shizhong's troops were about to enter Lujiabang. People who suffered from the invasion of Jin soldiers were excited to tell each other. They admired the heroic deeds and achievements of Han Shizhong's Grand Marshal and his wife, Liang Hongyu, and were ready to meet General Han's troops.

The news reached the ears of Xu Jintang, the leader of Lujiabang drummers, who proposed that when the people greeted General Han's troops, Lujiabang drummers should play and perform, so as to mobilize the lively atmosphere of the scene. Xu Jintang's proposal was echoed by the drummers. After discussion, the drummers began to rehearse the program. People in the town were waiting for General Han's arrival with hope. People sent out to inquire earlier said that Han Shizhong's troops had come along the Wusong River and were going to land at Wan'an Bridge Ferry in the south of the town. The people were worried when they heard that they had to cross the Papaya River when they came to Lujiabang Town. There was no bridge on the Papaya River, and the original bridge nearby was also demolished by the Jin soldiers.

What should I do? In order to prevent General Han from taking a detour, the people decided to build a small bridge at the intersection of Huangnibang and Papaya River in Zhennan City after discussion. The next day, people in Lujiabang Town got up early one after another. Each family carried wood boards, boat boards, wooden doors, bamboo and other materials from home, and quickly built a small wooden bridge on the river. The breeze was cool, the lights and flags were decorated on both sides of the small wooden bridge, and the people around were waiting by the bridge, old and young. Xu Jintang led Lu Jiabang's drummers to dress up and stand at the bridge head.

Soon, a loud bugle sounded from the other side of the river. Gradually, a well-dressed army appeared in people's sight. "General Han is coming!" The people waiting at the bank immediately cheered warmly.

"Everyone, it's up to us now!" Xu Jintang hugged his fists to the brothers in the drummers' class, and saw him "Pa". He simply turned over a somersault in the air. He used his upside down feet to nod three times on the drum in the lobby that had been suspended in advance. After hearing the three explosions of "Dangdangdangdang", he landed light and graceful, Two mallets tied with red silk ribbons were quickly pulled out from the cuffs, and the drums were rhythmically beaten, "Dong Dong Dong Dong... Dong Dong Dong...". The action was from slow to fast, and the strength was from light to heavy. The drums sounded three, seven, and twenty one times in a row, and the drums were thunderous.

Besides, General Han Shizhong and his wife Liang Hongyu got off their horses and walked to the small wooden bridge to salute the welcome people on the river bank. Seeing Lu Jiabang drummer playing the welcome music, Han Shizhong happily removed his heavy armor and relaxed with his wife Liang Hongyu to listen carefully.

After a long day of bustle, the drum music sounds, and the rest sounds around the ears. General Han Shizhong thanked Lujiabang people again for their kindness, and praised them loudly: "Lujiabang drum music sounds good! Lujiabang people are really enthusiastic!"

Amid the cheers, Han Shizhong and his party walked across the small wooden bridge and went on all the way. They camped at an open beach near the Mugua River. The soldiers were well trained and orderly arranged westward in formation. Then, one team after another, they unloaded their armor and rested on the spot. Three days later, Han Shizhong's troops left Lujiabang. Later, the people started to raise money and built a granite stone bridge at the original location of the temporary bridge on the Mugua River. Because General Han once unloaded armor on the temporary bridge, it was named the "Armor Removal Bridge". (Li Hong)

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