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The latest change | Notice on the enrollment application of Taiwanese children in autumn 2016
2016-03-24 11:38:00 Source: the secretariat of the Kunshan Association for Taiwan Affairs Click:

The deadline for enrollment application of Taiwanese businessmen's children for the first grade in the autumn of 2016 was advanced to April 10. If the application is overdue, it will not be accepted. We hope to actively promote it so as not to go to school smoothly.


According to the relevant policies and regulations of the municipal government on the integral enrollment of children of non Kunshan citizens in public schools, children of Taiwanese businessmen who work or live in Kunshan can be arranged to enroll nearby according to the regulations. The relevant matters are notified as follows:

1、 Admission conditions:

1. Either parent holds a Taiwan compatriot certificate and works or buys a house in Kunshan.

2. The children have reached the school entrance age. The children in the small class of the kindergarten are at least 3 years old (born before August 31, 2013), the children in the first grade of primary school are at least 6 years old (born before August 31, 2010) and have not received primary education (subject to the national student registration number), and the junior high school is the current primary school graduates (not obtained junior high school registration).

2、 Data provided:

1. One copy of children's Taiwan compatriot certificate.

2. One original and one copy of the guardian's property ownership certificate or the original of the registration form of temporary accommodation provided by the local police station (handled this year, parents and children each have one copy).

3. One original certificate of the guardian's current employment in Kunming (requirements: company name/position/date of arrival/company telephone address/official seal).

4. A copy of the guardian's household register or household register transcript.

5. An application form for admission. (See attachment)

3、 Relevant requirements:

1. If parents need to attend school, please April 10th Send the above relevant information to the Taixie Secretariat (9th floor, Taixie Building, No. 399 Qianjin East Road). TEL: 0512-57383026, 0512-57333628 FAX: 0512-57333630 Secretary Jiang

2. If the enrollment plan has been cancelled after registration with the Taiwan Association, the Taiwan Association shall be informed.

3. Admission arrangement procedure: fill in the form and submit the attachment → the Secretariat verifies the information → the Education Bureau approves → waits for the school notice → parents report.


Attachment: (click to download)

List of Public Schools for New Citizens' Children in Kunshan City with Points Admitted in 2016+Application Form for Enrollment of Taiwanese Business Children in the Beginning Grade of Autumn 2016. doc



In addition: Parents who have submitted the application materials for school attendance of Taiwanese businessmen's children to the Association before March 23 need to go to the Secretariat on the 9th floor of the Association Building to fill in a letter of commitment. The contents of the letter of commitment are as follows: Letter of Commitment.pdf (Click to download)


Kunshan Taiwan Compatriot Investment Enterprise Association

Education and Training Committee

March 23, 2016

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