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Dragon drafted 8 international standards independently
2014-04-22 09:10:00 Source: Kunshan Daily Click:

Longdeng independently drafted 8 international standards: 2 have been announced and 1 is about to be released, leading domestic pesticide production peers

With the approaching of the 13th Joint Meeting of FAO and WHO Pesticide Standards (JMPS) held in Belgium in June, the research and development department of Jiangsu Longdeng Chemical Co., Ltd., located in Kunshan Development Zone, has entered the tense countdown of various experiments and data supplementation. At this FAO/WHO joint meeting, the company submitted three pesticide standards, namely, Deltamethrin 250g/kg Water Dispersible Granule, Chlorothalonil Technical and Chlorothalonil 720g/L Suspension Agent, for evaluation. So far, Taiwan enterprise Longdeng Chemical has independently submitted 8 international pesticide standards to the FAO and the World Health Organization, of which 2 were officially released by the FAO in February this year, and 1 has passed the approval of the World Health Organization and is awaiting release, which is far ahead in the domestic industry.

"FAO and WHO are the most authoritative institutions in the world. Formulating international standards recognized by FAO and WHO and producing products that meet the standards are equivalent to obtaining a global sales pass, and also indicate that the direction of Dragon Light is catching up with international well-known enterprises such as Syngenta and Bayer, so as to win more market discourse." Garth Drury, the global registration director of Longdeng Chemical, who worked in Bayer for 15 years, said. According to him, before the last joint meeting of FAO and WHO on pesticide standards, only one enterprise in China had participated in the formulation of two international standards at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Now, Longdeng is clearly the only enterprise in the industry among 2800 in China.

Longdeng was officially put into production in September 2000. It is mainly engaged in the research, development, production, manufacturing, promotion and sales of crop protectants and plant nutrients with its own intellectual property rights. At present, its products are sold to more than 60 countries and regions, including the United States, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Spain and Japan. "Our company is committed to becoming bigger and stronger. On the one hand, it is listed, and on the other hand, it is to participate in the formulation of standards and occupy the commanding heights of the industry." Guo Yixiu, deputy general manager of the company, said that through the efforts of all parties, Longdeng successfully listed in Taiwan in 2012. Focusing on standard formulation and product R&D, Longdeng established a global R&D center for crop science and technology in 2007. Since 2008, it has invested about 200 million yuan in R&D, accounting for more than 3% of the total income of enterprises in recent years. It is the first domestic pesticide enterprise to pass the CNAS national laboratory certification and the German GLP laboratory international certification.

With the formulation and release of a number of international standards, Longdeng Chemical, which has gradually established its international and domestic status, is stepping up its product registration and sales work in the world. In recent years, the sales volume of Longdeng Chemical has increased at an average rate of 25% every year. In 2013, the total operating revenue was more than 1.1 billion yuan.

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