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The Ministry of Transport released several special vehicle reform signals
2016-03-16 11:47:22 Source: Kunshan today Click:

At present, the Ministry of Transport is working with relevant departments to further study and demonstrate, and promote the introduction and implementation of two documents, namely, the Guiding Opinions on Deepening Taxi Reform and the Interim Measures for Online Taxi hailing Management.

Yesterday morning, the News Center of the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress held a press conference in the multi-function hall of the Medea Center. Yang Chuantang, Minister of Transport, Liu Xiaoming, Director of the Department of Transport Services of the Ministry of Transport, and others answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists about "deepening taxi reform and development".

Yang Chuantang said that at present, the Ministry of Transport is working with relevant departments to further study and demonstrate, and promote the introduction and implementation of two documents, namely, the Guiding Opinions on Deepening Taxi Reform and the Interim Measures for Online Taxi hailing Management. China will not "ban" online car hailing, and will "tailor" new management systems to encourage the development of new business types in accordance with laws and regulations. In the future, after private cars are transformed into compliant operating vehicles through transformation, they can be used to solicit customers.

The two documents will also put forward the direction of reform on the issue of taxi money, which has attracted much attention. Instead of government regulation in the past, enterprises or industry associations will negotiate with drivers or trade unions on an equal basis, and encourage and use Internet technology to build a reasonable distribution mechanism for the interests of enterprises and drivers.

Online car hailing

"Special vehicle" is illegal without operation permit

In response to the media's question of "whether the two documents, the Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Further Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry and the Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, take into account the interests of all parties", Yang Chuantang said that since last January, the reform of the taxi industry has been comprehensively launched, adhering to the people-oriented principle, that is, passenger oriented, This is the starting point and the end result of this reform.

Yang Chuantang said that on October 10 last year, the Ministry of Transport solicited public opinions on the reform of the taxi industry and the management of online car hailing, and received 5008 pieces and 6832 opinions and suggestions in one month. The opinions and suggestions reflected by the society are mainly concentrated on the procedures for approval of online car hailing, licensing conditions, scrapping years, labor contract issues, etc.

As for the management of online car hailing, Yang Chuantang said that the current interim measures mainly clarify the core contents of four aspects: first, clarify the development orientation. In accordance with the business principle of high quality and differentiation, we will develop online car hailing in an orderly manner. Second, under the current legal framework, license management is implemented for online car hailing operators, drivers and vehicles. Third, regulate the operation of online car hailing. The fourth is to establish a multi sectoral joint supervision mechanism and strengthen supervision during and after the event.

In recent years, online car hailing has caused widespread controversy around the world, and many developed countries, such as Germany, France and Japan, even hold a completely prohibited attitude. Yang Chuantang said that there has always been a dispute about online car hailing in the world. China did not ban it when formulating the provisional measures, but made the special cars obtain legal identity through legislation, and encouraged the standardized development of new business types by designing operable and executable specific policies. He pointed out that China's existing management system is more targeted at traditional cruise taxis. If the existing system is simply applied, it is not conducive to the healthy and sustainable development of online car hailing.

He stressed that the current online car hailing has exposed some problems while facilitating the public. According to the existing laws and regulations, it is illegal for personnel and vehicles without operation license to provide passenger transport services. "Private cars provide profitable services to the public, involving public services and passenger transport safety, so they must be regulated by laws and regulations." Yang Chuantang said that the government departments should set the corresponding bottom line and rules to implement supervision to ensure public travel safety. In case of accidents and other disputes, they can be properly handled.

In addition, during the development of online taxi hailing, the subsidies implemented by relevant enterprises are a short-term act of seizing market share, which has formed unfair competition for the traditional taxi industry for a period of time. In the long run, it is not conducive to the healthy and sustainable development of the market. After all, capital is profit driven, and enterprises cannot subsidize for a long time without bottom holes.

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