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How to judge the top ten noise of the vehicle Cooling system failure hiss
August 10, 2015 09:39:59 Source: Friends of Automobiles Click:

As a car owner, can you understand the "cry for help" from your car? Let's take a look at the causes of these 10 kinds of sounds!

Impact sound : The sound of heavy metal iron collision may be caused by serious wear of the engine mounting frame for a long time. When the engine speed changes, there will be a crash. It may also be the front and rear suspension of the car is damaged, or the transmission fluid is too low.

Rapping : Like the dull knocking on the door, it is mostly due to the internal causes of the engine, most likely due to the aging of the vehicle, or damage to the bearings or engine valves.

tapping : The sound is similar to the sound of heavy knocking, but the sound should be low. When this sound occurs, the car mainly wants to see whether it uses low-quality gasoline. If low-quality gasoline is used, there may also be a detonation sound.

Ticking sound : It may be that the steering knuckle of the drive shaft is broken, or a small stone in the tire strikes the tire or the fan blade is bent and loose.

Hissing : Like a balloon leaking, most of them are air conditioning or cooling system problems. If the cooling system fails, liquid can be seen at the bottom of the car. In addition, the sound also occurs when the tire leaks heavily or the engine vacuum chamber leaks.

Whistling sound : Most of them occur when the car is turning. It may be that the fan drive belt is loose or worn. Sometimes, the tire air volume is insufficient. This sound also occurs.

Hum : This sound is like the sound made by bees. It is likely that a part is loose. The plastic or metal parts at the bottom of the engine and the fixing bracket of the air conditioner or compressor are most common.

Boom : There is a kind of "whine..." sound (not Wang Xingren) from the car. It is likely that the ball bearing in the wheel, compressor or water pump is broken, or the air conditioner or compressor is faulty.

Tone sandhi : It is mainly the uncoordinated sound from the aging motor.

screaming : It is very harsh. Usually there is a problem with the brake.

Related hot word search: sound fault vehicle

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