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The Creation Base of Youth Literature and Art Settles in Qiandeng
2016-04-05 11:21:06 Source: Kunshan today Click:

The Creative Practice Base of Juvenile Literature and Art was unveiled

On March 31, Xie Qianni, editor in chief of Youth Literature and Art, and his party came to Tinglin Middle School in Qiandeng Town to jointly hold the unveiling ceremony of Youth Literature and Art creation practice base.

It is reported that Juvenile Literature and Art is the earliest children's literature publication since the founding of New China. Since Tinglin Middle School established the "Kunshan Juvenile Literature College Tinglin Middle School Education Base", through a year of teaching practice, some of the students' works have been published in various literary journals across the country, the students' writing level and creative ability have been improved, and they have successively won various awards in the national children's composition and the national primary and secondary school students' composition contest.

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