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Eating steamed buns like this, be careful of cancer
March 17, 2015 10:11:58 Click:

Chinese food culture is extensive and profound. Breakfast in various places also has its own characteristics. On the table of northerners, breakfast usually includes steamed bread, hot porridge, soybean milk, fried dough sticks, etc. However, experts pointed out that it is true to eat steamed buns and hot porridge frequently and be careful to cause "cancer"?

"White fat" steamed buns cannot be eaten

Many consumers have a "lustful" and "white" mentality, which is used by some illegal traders and provides a convenient way to kill people for money.

Nowadays, many commercially available steamed buns, flower rolls, steamed buns, vermicelli, tremella and other watered food have white color and good sensory properties. Why does steamed bread become so white and fat? Why do squid and other seafood become so white and plump? It turned out that illegal traders added a food whitening agent called carve white block in the production process. The chemical name of the carved white block is formaldehyde sodium sulfite, which decomposes into sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde during food processing. Sodium sulfite has the function of reducing and bleaching in food processing to whiten food. One in 50000 formaldehyde has the function of anti-corrosion, so many watery food can be sold for several days without any signs of deterioration. Some illegal traders add sulfur dioxide, bleaching powder and other substances to whiten steamed bread.

The main component of the carved white block is the famous formaldehyde, which needless to say, is a protoplasm poison, has strong affinity with human tissues, and can cause protein coagulation and denaturation and cell tissue death. Experts have found that formaldehyde is also a potential carcinogen. It acts on cell DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), can stimulate and induce cell mutation, and eventually cause cancer. Some experts believe that the combination of amino and hydroxyl groups of formaldehyde nucleic acid makes it inactive, thus affecting the functional metabolism and causing damage to all organs of the human body to varying degrees, especially the kidney. Long term consumption of formaldehyde nucleic acid has a strong carcinogenic effect and is internationally recognized as a carcinogen. The lethal dose to rats is 800 mg/kg. According to Japanese reports, adding 1/10000 formaldehyde in milk can cause death after 20 days.

Related hot word search: Upper body cancer Steamed buns

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