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Hypertension patients should be active in spring
2016-04-05 10:56:25 Source: Times Health Click:

The climate is changeable in spring, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. In addition to insisting on taking medicine in spring, patients with hypertension should also pay attention to daily health care, which can play a role in lowering blood pressure through proper exercise.

The climate is changeable in spring, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. This kind of weather will cause vasoconstriction, which will easily cause blood pressure fluctuation of hypertension patients, headache, dizziness, insomnia and other symptoms, and even the risk of stroke in serious cases. In addition to insisting on taking medicine in spring, patients with hypertension should also pay attention to daily health care, which can play a role in lowering blood pressure through proper exercise.

Walking every day is the first choice

Exercise can enhance the ability of autonomic nervous system to adjust vasoconstriction, alleviate dizziness and other symptoms, and achieve the purpose of reducing blood pressure. High intensity exercise is not suitable for patients with hypertension. Walking is one of the most safe and effective exercises. It can not only reduce blood pressure, but also greatly reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease. You can also do some low-intensity sports, such as Taijiquan, medical gymnastics, badminton, cycling, etc.

Don't hold your breath, rotate quickly, exert yourself violently and bow your head deeply. The best exercise time for hypertension patients is at 4~6 p.m., because the sympathetic nerve is excited after getting up in the morning, the heart rate is accelerated, and the blood viscosity is increased, which is the high incidence time of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

Self massage to stabilize mood

For patients with hypertension, it is important to maintain emotional stability. Can often self massage, blood pressure effect is good. The specific methods are:

Push your head, press both sides of your head with both hands, from the temple to the Fengchi acupoint, and then use your thumbs to rub the Fengchi acupoint, with a sense of acid swelling.

Wipe the forehead in a sitting position, bend the forefinger of both hands, and use the side of the forefinger to wipe from the Yintang point between the eyebrows along the outside of the eyebrows to the temple 10 times each time.

With your hands flat on your chest, put your palms against your chest, take a deep breath with your nose, slowly stroke your hands down to your abdomen, and exhale with your mouth 10 times at a time.

Press your hands tightly on both sides of the lumbar spine, and squeeze them from top to bottom to the buttocks and tailbone 20 times each time.

Pinch the palm When the blood pressure rises sharply, pinching the palm can be used as an emergency measure to reduce blood pressure. The method is to start from the right hand, press the palm of the right hand with the thumb of the left hand, and press it from the palm of the hand all the way to the fingertip, and then return to the palm until each fingertip is pressed. Then press the left palm with your right hand in the same way.

Pay attention to life details

Get up slowly and wake up in the morning. First, close your eyes and refresh yourself in bed for about 3 minutes, then move your limbs to restore proper tension to limb muscles and vascular smooth muscle, then slowly sit up, and then get out of bed.

Drinking a cup of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning can not only clean the stomach and intestines, supplement water in the body, but also dilute the blood and reduce blood pressure.

Taking a nap to recharge properly can eliminate fatigue, cheer up and help reduce blood pressure. Take a nap for 30 minutes or one hour, or sit still and close your eyes.

Soak your feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes before going to bed, and then massage your feet and lower limbs to promote blood circulation.

Exercise intensity "357"

Since the exercise intensity of hypertension patients should not be too high, the control of daily exercise volume can mostly be judged by heart rate and self perception. A little or moderate tiredness after exercise is normal. In addition, sleep, diet, spirit, etc., as long as there is no discomfort or adverse reaction, it indicates that the exercise intensity is normal. Here is a reference index of "March 5th":

"Three" refers to walking 3 kilometers for more than 30 minutes, which can be completed in two or three times.

"Five" means exercising about five times a week. It would be ideal if we could do regular exercise every day.

"Seven" means that the exercise intensity reaches the middle level, and the middle level means "exercise heart rate+age=170". For example, when a person is 50 years old, his heart rate will reach 120 times and minutes during exercise, which is about 60%~70% of the maximum exercise amount of that age.

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