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Six kinds of ordinary food with remarkable effect
2016-04-05 10:54:34 Click:

Every family has heard of the super food selected by foreign countries, but some things are either unavailable in China or too expensive. A number of nutrition experts, based on a number of studies, have proposed the six most common super foods. Let's take a look at them together.

1. Sweet potato

Sweet potato is rich in potassium, which can make people energetic and keep heart healthy and blood pressure normal. In addition, research has proved that sweet potatoes can also fight against breast and prostate cancer, prevent degenerative diseases of the body, and improve memory. However, the sugar index of sweet potatoes is high, and diabetics should eat less. It is recommended to choose medium sized sweet potatoes (about the length of the palm), which taste best.

2. Brown rice

Brown rice is rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals. The latest research found that as long as white rice is replaced with brown rice, the risk of type 2 diabetes can be reduced. In addition, oryzanol in brown rice is a powerful antioxidant, which can reduce cholesterol. Lignin in brown rice can also prevent breast cancer and other hormone related cancers.

3. Pine nut

Pearly pine nuts are widely used in traditional imperial meals, and are always considered to have the effect of nourishing and strengthening the body. Pine nuts are rich in oil, which can not only help defecate, but also moisturize the skin. At the same time, pine nuts are a high-quality source of oil, containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can alleviate inflammation. Pine nuts have high heat. Usually, they are sprinkled on meals, one small handful at a time.

4. Garlic

In the age without antibiotics, garlic played an important role in saving lives. In the past, salt and garlic were necessary when marching. Salt was used to supplement minerals, and garlic was used to kill bacteria and prevent diseases. Recently, garlic has also been found to reduce cholesterol. But raw garlic is hot and irritating, so people with gastritis, sore throat, hemorrhoids, red eyes and acne should not eat raw garlic. Avoid eating garlic on an empty stomach. Boil, fry or make pickles to reduce its pungency. Or it can be eaten together with dumplings and pasta, which is not easy to hurt the stomach.

5. Kelp

Kelp with low calorie and full of colloid and minerals is a beauty and health food suitable for modern people. Kelp is rich in soluble fiber, which is easier to digest and absorb than ordinary fiber, helping smooth defecation. The biggest advantage is that kelp has low heat. As a snack, you don't have to worry about getting fat. Kelp is best matched with vinegar. Vinegar can soften kelp. You can try to use vinegar to mix kelp cold. The kelp soup with ice cubes can highlight the sour taste of vinegar and make the taste more refreshing.

6. Buckwheat

Buckwheat contains powerful antioxidants, which can reduce blood lipids, enhance blood vessel elasticity, prevent blood coagulation, and is a good heart food. In addition, its effect of lowering blood pressure and helping sleep is also very good. Buckwheat is also a good scavenger of large intestine. Its fiber content is 6 times that of ordinary white rice, so it is called "intestinal cleansing herb". You can salad buckwheat noodles and boil soup. You can also steam or cook porridge with buckwheat and rice.

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