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Eating Kunshan Red Noodles
October 10, 2014 11:44:08 Source: Kunshan Forum Click:

Red Noodles is a typical breakfast in Kunshan.

1. Dragon King Noodle Restaurant

Located on the beautiful Chunhui Road, the Dragon King Noodle House is full of vigor and vitality. It is a paradise for rotten girls and losers. This is one of the richest gathering places of night life in Kunshan. As for eating, it doesn't lose to Zizhu Road of the Yellow River; In terms of play, bar, billiard hall and KTV are all available. You never worry about not being able to fight here. However, it is such a complex place that gave birth to the small and exquisite existence of Dragon King Noodle House. It is as graceful as a woman out of the world, quiet and elegant. Some people say that the taste of Dragon King Noodle House is much worse than before, but it is quite old and still has more power. Even so, it is enough to hold the fifth place in front of Kunshan Red Oil!

Price: 9 yuan

Noodle soup: ★★★★★

Mianjin Road: ★★★☆☆

Large platoon: ★★★☆


2. Tongfeng Hotel

Tongfeng Hotel is located near Tongfeng Road Yulong Vegetable Market (No. 16 Xihe Primary School Station, No. 8 TV Station, 122 Renji Hospital Station). It is adjacent to the Construction Bureau in the east, the vegetable market in the west, and a five-star Swiss hotel in the south. The location advantage is quite obvious. The only disadvantage is that parking is not convenient.

Price: 9 yuan

Noodle soup: ★★★☆

Mianjin Road: ★★★★★

Large platoon: ★★★☆☆


3. Difficult to be confused

This name is very special. In today's society, who is the best eater, of course, is the kind of people who seek both sides, will come, and pretend to be stupid with intelligence! And this family is so confused. It is located between Chaiwang Lane (Route 1 and 10 are about 500 meters away from the Olympic Kitchen), and next to the Olympic Kitchen. As the saying goes, accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger. Aozao Hall can be said to be the leader of Kunshan Red Noodles. It is second to none in terms of popularity, scale and cultural heritage. And this family is so confused that it has been around the Aozao Hall for such a long time and still stands erect. Its skill can be seen!

Price: 9 yuan

Noodle soup: ★★★★★

Mianjin Road: ★★★☆

Large platoon: ★★★★★


4. Xiaokunshan Olympic Noodles

This noodle shop was recommended by a friend of mine! At the junction of Huayuan Road and Xinwu Street in Zhangpu Town! Maybe the expectation of this store was too high or the time to find it was too long. Overall, I felt that the store's Aowei was a little poor, far less supernatural than my friend said. However, it's not easy to get such a taste in Zhangpu Town!

Price: 18 yuan

Noodle soup: ★★☆☆

Mianjin Road: ★★★☆

Topping (fried fish with large intestine): ★★☆☆☆


5. Olympic Kitchen Hall

Aozao Hall is located at 155 Tinglin Road (it can be reached by Bus No. 1 and 10). Founded in the third year of Xianfeng (1853), it has a history of 147 years. It was awarded by the Ministry of Domestic Trade as a time-honored restaurant in China. The predecessor of Aozao Hall is the "Tianxiang Hall" at the north end of Banshan Bridge. Because of poor management, the shopkeeper abandoned the hall and left. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the creditor, Old Madam Zhao San, handed it over to the embroidery lady Chen Xiuying for management, changing its name to "Yan Fuxing". The ingenious Chen Xiuying was originally good at cooking fine snacks. She carefully listened to the opinions of diners, and the carefully cooked red oil noodles were really extraordinary. The small noodle restaurant with only three and a half tables was immediately crowded with customers and became famous. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Aozao Hall has restored its traditional characteristics, making the century old store a new year, boosting its reputation and attracting a large number of customers. With the opening up of China, the Olympic Kitchen Hall has become famous at home and abroad. And Brother Dou was lucky to go to Aozao Hall this time when Lord Baylor of the Yigong Federation rode on the expedition. However, since it was almost noon when we went there, the big row was already sold out, and we could only eat a bowl of Double Happiness Noodles for 18 yuan. At that time, I also consulted the landlady. As long as I went early, the market price for a bowl of large row was relatively reasonable - 9 yuan. Friends from other places can go to visit this century old restaurant in Kunshan when they are free!

Price: 18 yuan

Noodle soup: ★★★☆

Mianjin Road: ★★★★★

Topping (fried fish and beef): ★★★★☆


(To be continued)

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