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Kunshan Jinxi famous dish "Mantaifei"
October 10, 2014 09:38:42 Click:

Mantaifei, commonly known as Crystal Shrimp, is a freshwater shrimp with a long body and a crustacean. The living body is greenish green, with brown spots, thin and transparent, hence its name. The head of the shrimp has a pair of long and short horns, with closely arranged thin feet. If you put it into the basin, it will face the table in all directions

"Mantaifei", commonly known as "Crystal Shrimp", is a freshwater shrimp. It has a long body and a crustacean. Its living body is greenish green, with brown spots, thin and transparent, so it is named. The head of shrimp has a pair of long and short horns, and a dense array of thin feet. If you put it into a basin, it will jump to the table in all directions, so it is called "Mantaifei".

"Mantaifei" can be found everywhere in Jinxi's lakes and ponds, especially in the summer season, "seed shrimp" is the best. Because there are many "Huangmanzi", shrimp sauce is the river shrimp at this time. Jinxi's famous dish "Mantaifei" (drunken shrimp) is usually made of crystal shrimp in spring and autumn. Anyone who has tasted it will find it particularly delicious



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