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Promote the real estate market to be smoothly written into the government work report
2016-03-16 11:37:26 Source: Kunshan today Click:

The State Council has repeatedly studied and carefully revised and enriched the Report on the Work of the Government. A total of 61 items have been revised and enriched, including "building a new type of government business relationship", "breaking local protection", "promoting the smooth operation of the real estate market", and responding to changes in the stock market last year

Promote the real estate market to be smoothly written into the government work report

The Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress closed today; 61 amendments were made to the government work report, and "building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship" was added

The Fourth Session of the 12th National People's Congress will close this morning. According to the opinions and suggestions put forward by the delegates to the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress and the members of the Fourth Session of the Twelfth CPPCC National Committee, the State Council has repeatedly studied and carefully revised and enriched the Report on the Work of the Government, which has been revised and enriched in 61 places, including "building a new type of political and commercial relationship", "breaking local protection", and "promoting the smooth operation of the real estate market" As well as the response to changes in the stock market last year.

Environmental protection

Add "delimiting ecological protection red line"

The report has made at least 6 changes to ecological and environmental protection.

When analyzing the difficulties and problems in development, the report pointed out that "serious haze weather often occurs in some areas", and on this basis, "the environmental pollution situation is still very serious" was added.

In the chapter of main objectives, tasks and major measures during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, "promoting the formation of green production and lifestyle, and accelerating the improvement of the ecological environment" is the fourth major objective and task. Major measures not only include "in-depth implementation of the action plan for air, water and soil pollution prevention, and strengthening ecological protection and restoration", It also added "delimiting the red line of ecological space protection and promoting the ecological project of mountains, rivers, forests, fields and lakes".

"Strengthening environmental governance" is one of the key tasks of this year, in which "encouraging straw resource utilization and reducing direct burning" is replaced by "encouraging straw resource utilization and limiting direct burning"; After "strengthening environmental protection supervision", add the statement of "achieving clear rewards and punishments" to make requirements for the effect of environmental protection supervision.


Mention "Dealing with stock market changes last year"

When reviewing the work of the past year in the government work report, it was mentioned that last year, we also actively responded to a variety of risk challenges in the financial sector, and kept the bottom line of no systemic and regional risks. This is revised as: Last year, we also actively responded to various risk challenges in the financial sector, such as abnormal fluctuations in the stock market and the foreign exchange market.

When analyzing the difficulties and problems in development, the report pointed out a series of problems: weak investment growth, serious overcapacity in some industries, difficulties in production and operation of some enterprises, regional and industrial trend differentiation, prominent contradiction between fiscal revenue and expenditure, and risks and hidden dangers in finance and other fields. Before "risks and hidden dangers exist in finance and other fields", Add the statement that "the basic system of capital market is not perfect".

Government Work

Simplify administration and delegate power "break local protection"

For this year's key work, the report proposes to better stimulate the vitality of the non-public sector of the economy, and after "seriously investigating and punishing violations of the legitimate rights and interests of non-public enterprises and non-public economic people, and creating a fair, just, transparent and stable legal environment", the statement of "building a new type of political and commercial relations" is added.

Streamlining administration and delegating power has been the key work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. When talking about this work, the report added the content of "accelerating the construction of a unified and open market system with orderly competition and breaking local protection".

For the reform of the fiscal and taxation system, the report added "promoting the reform of the division of powers and expenditure responsibilities between the central and local governments" before "reasonably determining the sharing ratio of value-added tax between the central and local governments", which means that the reform will be accelerated again.

People's livelihood

Supplement "building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship"

In the report, "the steady and healthy development of the real estate market" was changed to "the healthy development of the real estate market", and "promoting the steady operation of the real estate market" was added.

In terms of education, science, culture, health and urban management, the report added "improving public transport network, tackling traffic congestion and other prominent problems". The report also adjusted the supporting issues after the "white hair crisis" and the "comprehensive second child". After "promoting the construction of a healthy China and increasing life expectancy by one year", the content of "actively responding to population aging" was added. Change "encouraging the development of inclusive kindergartens" to "supporting the development of inclusive kindergartens".

The doctor-patient relationship is a hot issue in recent years. The report added "building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship" after "establishing and improving the personnel compensation system in line with the characteristics of the medical industry, protecting and mobilizing the enthusiasm of medical personnel".

★ Other modifications


● "Accelerate the construction of a strong country in quality and manufacturing" is changed to: "Accelerate the construction of a strong country in quality, manufacturing and intellectual property".

● "Firmly curb enterprise related arbitrary charges" is changed to "resolutely curb enterprise related arbitrary charges, and strictly investigate and deal with violations".

● "Do a good job of re employment of enterprise laid-off workers" is changed to "Do a good job of skill training and re employment of enterprise laid-off workers".

● "Vigorously develop modern vocational education" is changed to "speed up the improvement of modern vocational education system".

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